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About Tobydale

  • Birthday 02/18/1966

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    West Jefferson
  • State
  • Interests
    Family,Cooking, Baking, Loving my fillipino fiance'

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Columbus OH
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I met the most wonderful lady a year ago today. We met in Japan while I was there for work. I am an American living in USA. She is a Philippino citizen with long term visa in Japan where she has lived and worked for 15 yrs now. I was there for 2 months early last year when we first met and returned again in August and December. During both Aug and Dec visits we flew from Japan to Phils to visit/meet and spend time with her family there. We are in love and plan to marry once she gets here to US with me. We are just now starting the visa process (nothing filed yet). She has been married 1 time before to a Japanese man who also lives in Japan. They were married in the Phils 10 yrs ago. They divorced (in Japan) 1 yr later. So she has been divorced more than 9 yrs now. She did nothing to anull her marriage in Phils, only court divorce in Japan. She thinks that a copy of divorce was sent to Phils Embassy but not sure. She requested form from NSO 2 years ago and it states her one marriage and the date it took place. Just last week she went to city hall in her town in Japan to get copy of divorce paper so that we can get CENOMAR. They gave her a form and said that she must get her ex's permission via signature/stamp in order to get a copy of divorce. So this is the first hurdle we have come across. She has not seen or spoken to him since the divorce and now has to locate him just for permission. Once we get this document I understand from reading here that we (she) will have to have to have that document translated into english. Where can she get this done 'officially" so that it is valid? Can that be done at the Phils Embassy in Tokyo? Once done we need to file for for petition for recognition of foreign divoce. Is that correct? Where can this petition be filed? Can we do thru the mail? Do we have to have an attorney? Her friend is telling her that it can cost 120,000 PSP and could take 1-2 years!!! This cant be right can it? I certainly hope not. If this petition can be processed and CENOMAR received in say 3-4 months, can I file the I29 while that is being processed? All help and advice is greatly appreciated.

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