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Posts posted by JahLove

  1. Hello my hubby came from Montego bay when he came they did not give him and I-94 form they the airline hostess said they dont give that form any more, now my question is that how do I get this form for him? will it come with his welcome package and how long will that take to get his green card in the mail???

    THanks for your help, I appreciate your help

  2. Good Morning Vj memebers, I have some questions regarding the process:

    1. once the visa is approve how long before you get it in hand?

    2. Do I need to register with DHL? and can I pick it up from the DHL office in Kingston?

    Thanks in advance for your assistance :)

  3. 47 year difference might pose a problem, My cousin met a girl in Jamaica and applied and was denied but I think it was different reasons he was 58 and she was 22.

    I think the more evidence you have the better your changes, pictures,bank accounts, living wil, life insurance, ticket stubbs, copy of his passport with stamps to Jamaica and communication trial.

    Good luck, bless up! you will be fine just get prepared.

  4. go to Saylin site and here you go for the answers :thumbs:

    Do I get an email if my packages have been accepted?

    No, not that I have seen. You have to call NVC every day and ask for updates on your case to find out if a package has been reviewed and accepted.

    Note: If you're in the EP program, lately people have been getting acceptance emails.

    Do I get an email when my case is completed?

    Generally, no. Only those doing EP (electronic processing) get the case complete emails. There are some non-EP folk that get case complete emails, but it's rare. Again, to find out if your case is complete, call an operator at NVC and ask.

    After the case is completed, what happens?

    In most cases: the case is put in a queue to get an interview date scheduled. Once an interview date is scheduled, the case is shipped out to the consulate/embassy.

    Who should I be calling to find out my interview date?

    You should be calling both NVC and DOS. Both have access to your case information. Their numbers are linked above.

    How long does it take to get an interview date after a case complete?

    This varies by country and consulate/embassy. Some people find out within a day or two, others a few weeks, then the few unfortunate that wait a few months (ex: Ghana). To get the best estimate for YOUR country is to search, using the timeline feature, when others got case completes and when they got their interview dates scheduled.

    When do interview dates get scheduled?

    If you talk to operators at NVC, they'll always tell you they ONLY schedule during the second week of each month. This is a LIE. They schedule interviews ALL month long. Many people (like myself) have gotten scheduled during the last week of the month. I repeat, they schedule ALL month long.

    How long does it take for NVC to mail my case out after getting an interview date scheduled?

    Usually it's the next day, but it can take up to a week or more in rare cases.

    Is it possible to get a tracking number for my green card after POE?

    Yes it is! Follow VJ member Darnell's advice:

    "Call USCIS, get a human, ask for the TRACKING NUMBER on the green card.

    Yes, such a thing exists, and they will give it to you when asked.

  5. You need to call them and they will give you the case number and invoice number then you will fill out the form so that you can start receiving emails. then you can pay and send in your AOS packet and then your Visa packet.

    You need to follow the NVC steps on this website, that is what I did and it was right on point!

  6. I called NVC yesturday and they said my AOS packet was accepted :dance: now I am waiting on them to accept packet IV which was sent 3 days after the AOS packet. I am thankful for everyone on VJ the information really helped me. He said I should have a response on packet IV by the end of the month and then I just have to wait for my interview. Today is a happy day. :innocent::dance:

  7. I understand but from what you are saying how will this man come to the state and make a life with you? it seem as if he would have to go back and get aleast a GED to obtaine a good job? Why dont they like you if anything they should be grateful unless their is something that you are missing???sharing little here and htere is one thing but paying mortagages or rent and bills are different plus if you want to live a little life inbetween so just keep your eyes open WIDE and put God first.

    Good Luck my dear.............

  8. Hello Vj friends, I wanted to know how long does it take after turning in AOS packet will I get a response from them? Because I did not get anything from them and then they asked for visa DS-packet :wacko: . I did pay for the visa packet and send it in as well so what should I do now or how long before I get an interview date? Do I need to call them weekly and ask for a status update??? :help: thanks

  9. He works on one of the resorts, essentially its his job to make sure you have fun when you visit. I thought about moving to JA but I can barely tolerate the mosquitos when I'm there so thats a no go lol Plus he actually hates the heat/humidity and is looking forward to winters here in the northeast. I'm black and also we dont have a significant age gap. Just 2 years, I'm 26 and he's 24. We're actually going to be celebrating our bdays together in 2 weeks, hes may 3 and im may 4. Geez I miss him

    I would be very scared because not only does he meet peoeple every day in your absence. I wanted to ask can he send you money to buy a ticket and come to JA? when you visit who pays for the trip? Can he support himself with his salary? If you are the one paying for majority of the trips and expenses then you need to step back and know that JA man are known to WOO woman. Dont ruch if he is for you waiting wont change that he is also young at 24 he is still not sure of where his life is headed.

    If you decide to marry him then have a nice wedding in JA meet all his family and go from there.

    Good luck my dear.

    I would be very scared because not only does he meet peoeple every day in your absence. I wanted to ask can he send you money to buy a ticket and come to JA? when you visit who pays for the trip? Can he support himself with his salary? If you are the one paying for majority of the trips and expenses then you need to step back and know that JA man are known to WOO woman. Dont ruch if he is for you waiting wont change that he is also young at 24 he is still not sure of where his life is headed.

    If you decide to marry him then have a nice wedding in JA meet all his family and go from there.

    Good luck my dear.

  10. Hello I completed my AOS and my IV visa packet and turned it ALL in to NVC :dance: I wanted to ask Jamaican VJ who have been through this process how long before the packet is sent to Kingston for the interview? and or what will be the next step for us? I am just trying to get a feel for how much longer :D Thanks in advance for your responses.

  11. I just checked the USCIS website and realised our case was denied. I could feel it coming as we have left out some document. I am really as we have to go over the process after waiting for eight months.

    Sorry :wow: Cheer up, go through the appeal process and re submit along eith the missing documents. THey should send you a detail letter whey you were denied so you will know how to proceed with your appeals. Good Louck and have faith it will work out.

  12. Hello everyone, I got and email today with my hubby's case number :dance: My question is should I wait for the invoice number so that I can pay the money? how does it take after they send the case number do I get the Invoice number? Should I call or wait for the number????? Thanks for all your help so far guys.

    :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

  13. I am so confuse on 3/12/13, I received and email stating that my case was scanned and a case number was assinged so I called and ask for the case number and then I was told to wait a week so I called a week later on 3/20/13 and they said it is still not updated as yet. Today I called and I was told oh it was not scanned then I ask for a supervisor she came on and said she will look into who sent the email, so I gave her the name of that person and she said ok, nothing more. This is crazy, I have the email as proof so what can I do?????

  14. Are There Any Fellow Americans who have successfully filed for their Jamaican Spouse? I am 20 years old, no lawyer, and have many questions. I just want my husband here with me. If there is anyone on here who has been through the filing process, please contact me.

    I am I filed fo rmy hubby in August2012. I was interviewed on 2/28/2012 and approval sent to NVC. Now I am awaating my packet so that I can pay my fees and move to the I-864 packet.

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