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Posts posted by miriamy

  1. Hello,

    I am reading all the lovely comments and posts here. I am so happy to have found this community which I can relate to.

    My fiancé is American - we have been engaged since May of 2012.

    He is coming to Ireland for a few months to work.

    Can anyone confirm for me, whether my fiancé, should he overstay the 90 day limit, will get into troubles with the American authorities? My fiancé also holds a valid British passport. Currently, there is free travel of Irish and British people between England and Ireland, (one of the conditions agreed to when peace was signed between the two nations). Therefore, my fiancé is allowed to stay in Ireland for as long as he wants on his British passport, however, we are worried, that he could be run into trouble if the American authorities see that he has been away for over 90 days.

    Can anyone shed some light on this ?

    Many thanks in advance!



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