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Posts posted by Yahonk

  1. Hey!

    My situation is this:

    In 2007 I entered the US on a B-2 visa and was allowed 6 months of stay. I applied for an extension, which was denied Feb 1, 2008. I didn't quite understand what was going on and had a long correspondence with USCIS, until Apr 1, 2008. I left the country on Apr 10. Removal proceedings were opened against me and terminated when I gave proof of my leaving the country.

    Now, I want to enter the US again for 6 months.

    From what I read here, I am out of status now and my visa is voided. Do I have a ban? Do I need to apply for an ineligibility waiver? Where do I do this? Can I apply for a new tourist visa? What are the chances that I get a new visa?

    Thank you for your help!

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