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    F-2A Visa
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  1. We were notified of the new interview date on September 19. They brought copies of all submitted materials, but the interviewer only asked to see their birth certificates, police clearances and family photos. Hope this helps.
  2. Quick update: My brothers were approved for their F2A visas today. Good luck to everyone waiting!
  3. They all received their rescheduled interview date for September 25, 2024. As far as we know they are still being processed as F2A.
  4. Thank you. Yes, I submitted an I864 as a co-sponsor.
  5. She does not work. I cover all of her expenses, including medical bills. She is an authorized user on my credit cards.
  6. My mother (LPR) lives with me in the US as a dependent. She applied for my 3 younger brothers who have their interviews in a few weeks. I am the financial sponsor for their visas. The list of interview documents they should bring with them includes proof of domicile for our mother. I am not sure what proof to submit because she does not have any of the documents listed on this page: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-1-submit-a-petition/i-864-affidavit-faqs.html#aos18 She has a state ID, social security card, medical bills, and I have claimed her as a dependent on my tax returns for the past 5 years. Will these suffice as proof of domicile? I wrote a letter explaining she is fully dependent on me as part of the initial paperwork she submitted. Should I write another letter for my brothers to take to their interview?
  7. Following up for anyone still interested. All three brothers received interviews for September 4, 2024!
  8. 1 year 9 months. I added their timeline and ages to my signature, if it's helpful! @IRN Sorry to hear you're going through the same thing. It's so disheartening. I went to a prominent lawyer today who works in the Bangladeshi community in NYC. He told me that when Trump was in office, many visa cases were halted entirely. Now, even though Biden says immigration is completely open, they're really only prioritizing petitions filed by US citizens. Before COVID there was at least some standard operating procedure, but due to the backlogs caused by COVID things have since gone completely haywire. I asked if he could represent my cases and write a letter on our behalf, but he said it wouldn't make a difference because we're already documentarily approved. He did advise that I reach out to my local congressional office and urge them to look into the matter. It's good to know there's nothing outstanding we need to do, but it's frustrating to continue waiting with no next steps.
  9. That's what I'm suspecting but the case update letter I received a few weeks ago still says they are F2A.
  10. You're right! I had the wrong approval date. Petition was approved 3/26/20. 1 year and 9 months after filing. So their timeline is: 6/1/18: F2A filed 3/26/20: Petition approved 4/24/21: DQ - awaiting interview
  11. All three of them were first DQ'd February 3, 2021. I've been getting the same update ("documentarily complete/qualified + waiting for an interview slot") since then. The latest was a couple of weeks ago.
  12. If that's the hold up it doesn't explain why the youngest hasn't been called for an interview yet.
  13. In June 2018 when we filed, their ages were 20, 19 and 16. They were approved 2 years and 8 months later, in February 2021 – ages 22, 21 and 18. They are now 26, 25 and 22. I don't think CSPA applies, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. My mother (LPR) applied for my 3 brothers (F2A) in June 2018. Their cases were approved February 2021. Interview has yet to be scheduled. I received a letter from USCIS in December 2023 with an update about their case status. The letter states the case is documentarily complete and simply waiting for an interview date at the embassy in Bangladesh. The letter lists their Priority Date as June 2018 and their category is still F2A, even though all brothers are above 21 years old now. The current PD listed on this page is November 2019. What are we missing here? How did their PD get skipped?
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