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Pops Kohr

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Overland Park
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Kansas City MO
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Long story short we met while I was backpacking in Europe, enjoying a nice afternoon in a Caffè with friends. First I thought he was flirting with my friend, till the waitress brought me a cappuccino with a napkin that said that I was the most beautiful flower in that garden. I waved at him inviting to sit with us. For a completely stranger he blended very well. We spent 3 hours talking, learning about each other. My group decided to leave and we took a walk and Paris did its magic ... He were living in Italy at that time, Italy was my next destination. We had the most beautiful summer together with the promise that nothing would break us apart. I went back to my country for 6 month till he could come visit and meet my family, 3 weeks in Brazil and the day before his flight back to Italy, he organized a dinner for all my family and few friends (my sister played a big role at this time) and he purposed asking my parents for my hand in marriage, I know it was very sweet and cute from him.
    I flew to Italy with him, we lived there for six months and he got orders to go back to USA. I got a tourist visa, my case was already sent, we lived together for another 3 months and I went back to Brazil to wait for my interview.
    The rest is history...

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