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    mp&mp reacted to del-11-03-13-3 in The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20   
    Unfortunately not all embassies go that fast. Brazil interviews are now scheduling late September/October.
  2. Like
    mp&mp reacted to Darnell in What are your unofficial wedding plans?!   
    i would suggest a civil ceremony at the courthouse,
    then have a wedding party months later in the off-season , when rates are lower.
  3. Like
    mp&mp reacted to Falene in What are your unofficial wedding plans?!   
    We are planning to go to the courthouse. Then my mom wants to give us a reception. I want the reception to be small and gave her a guest list of about 50 people. My fiance does not have any family or friends here so it will be a chance for him to meet mine. The only thing that I purchased is a dress. Right now we are stuck in administrative processing and we don't know when we will be able to plan anything. Sometimes I think about having a traditional Hindu ceremony at the temple where I attend, but the cost is a big concern.
    It's nice to see everyone's plans even though it's impossible to plan anything definite.
  4. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from Rob Page in CSC processing Jan 16, 2013   
    Immigration is like playing the lottery sometimes you get lucky but most of the time it sucks lol. Some people 5-6 and they are completely done. Others aren't so lucky wait 7- a year smh
  5. Like
    mp&mp reacted to ClydesdaleCouple in Don't want to marry her anymore!   
    Dude I would honestly get the hell out of that right now. If you are caught doing that, you could face time in prison.
    Just tell her its off and cut your losses. Or go to prison and start a business with a guy named Brick,+

    On another ANGRIER note. Its because of people like you doing like this that honest, real couples who are in love (aka me and my husband) have had to live in near poverty because the government makes such tight guidelines.
    so eff you.
  6. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from SenA in The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20   
    Ok everyone inhaleeeee IN exhaleeeee OUT inhaleee IN...... one would imagine that with the mass NOA2 approvals there might be a bit of backlog. I know we are all anxious but after waiting forever for that NOA2 a month or even two won't kill anyone. Its frustrating I agree. But enjoy your r summer, have some icecreasm, read a book, send love letter, go out and boogie, learn a new recipe(after all we are all getting married we need to) work out, say I love you, skype, boogie again. Get those papers ready, send em out, do your research, say I love you again, say a joke, laugh, cry if u must. Let's wait....in love <3 it will be worth it
  7. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from Azsara in Transferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!   
    i got approveddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    p.s sorry for the "bastards" post earlier lol
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    mp&mp reacted to Big Baby in which one is much faster; getting a fiance visa or a marriage visa?   
    After having went the K-1 route b/c lawyer advised it was faster (at the time), if I had to do it over again I would have gone the marriage route. First, you and your spouse will share the memories of this family event forever. Second, the time from date of marriage will count toward your Adjustment of Status - and you will receive your green card that much sooner.
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    mp&mp got a reaction from jalvarez320 in Transferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!   
    Fingers crossed this week and next should be promising for all of us!!!! Xoxooxoxoxox Patience hold their hand in the distance, this is just a test. Love is Love 7 months 2 years or three far or close when something is for you it's for you!!!!
    man finds a condom in his grandson's apartment and asks what it is.
    "It's a condom," replies the grandson, sheepishly.
    "What do you use it for?" asks Grandpa.
    The grandson is embarrassed, so he says, "I use it to keep my cigarettes dry when I smoke in the rain."
    Grandpa says, "That's a great idea." He goes to the drug store and asks the pharmacist for a condom.
    "What size would you like?" asks the pharmacist.
    "Big enough to fit a Camel."
  10. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from nicolasandres in Vermont Transfer   
    This xfer does not settle well with me at all. Specially because I'm feeling like Vermont till just go on to approving Feb applications. That would no be fair at all. Something better happen in the next 30 days or I'm calling everyone and their mother. (I am usually not the type to be pestering impatiently) I'll be damned if somethong so simple takes me a year for no reason!while others wait no more than 6 months!!!!!!
  11. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from rohandlulu in December Filers   
    lol why do i get the slight feeling all the december filers are from CSC
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    mp&mp got a reaction from meagan in SEPTEMBER FILER - NOA2!!!!!   
    Congrats! Even though Cali is approving all of 2012 ppl just needs to relax.....
  13. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from Rob C in SEPTEMBER FILER - NOA2!!!!!   
    Congrats! Even though Cali is approving all of 2012 ppl just needs to relax.....
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    mp&mp got a reaction from rohandlulu in December Filers   
    Well someone on this site said if you are positive you are in this (relationship) for foreverrrrrrr these months are nothing compared to the rest of your life. Not only do i agree but its brought my anxiety down
  15. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from 888888 in There should be a VIP line for K1 processing   
    Someone said whats a few months compared to the rest of your life.......makes sense feeling in peace
    I would def pay more if i vould tho lol
  16. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from elmcitymaven in There should be a VIP line for K1 processing   
    Someone said whats a few months compared to the rest of your life.......makes sense feeling in peace
    I would def pay more if i vould tho lol
  17. Like
    mp&mp got a reaction from rohandlulu in December Filers   
    Thank you! And now we......((word has taken a new meaning) WAIT ahh :whistle: hhh lol every lil thing is gonna be alright....
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