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About dhaiti20

  • Birthday August 20

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Miami FL
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I have actually known my fiance for 5 years; He was an old friend of one of my co-worker (a male). I knew alot about him, because he always called the workline; therefore, in the beginning we were introduced thru the phone line. He called my co-worker all the time, so usually when he called we were always joking on the workline,sometimes even joking about me and my co-worker getting fired together because we were always on the phone. Sometime when he called and my co-worker was not at his desk I would pick up and act like the supervisor to make him scared. At the time we were only friends and had no intentions of even having a relationship, and actually I was going through a divorce. One thing I could say is that he was very helpful during that time with words of encouragements. He himself was in a on again off again relationship which ended. It wasn't until years later after talking and talking I started noticing the conversations was getting more intense. He was always so respectable. The feelings just started pouring in from left field somewhere. I remember the first time he called me Cherie. It was like someone had hit me with a ball in my stomach. I first ignored it, because I said maybe I heard it wrong. My feelings was there but I never said anything. Slowly we started to express ourselves, and it grew from there. I love this man and believe it or not I am alot older than he. Ask me 10 years ago if I would ever be involve with a younger man I wouldn't have even hesitate to answer NO. Its amazing how God put people in our life. I don't know what the future holds, but I am a true believer in faith,and I know this man loves me deeply and I love him as well. I ache when I am not with him, and I light up like a christmas tree when am with him. After my divorce from my ex I was so negative about love. This man has shown me how to allow someone to love me, truly love me and before I lay my head down to sleep I make sure that I thank God always for that.

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