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  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Fell in love with Farouk in 2003. He promised right and left that he loved me no matter our age difference. I spent all the money I had to meet him in Tunisia as he requested, instead of his home in Algeria. I spent every dime I had on his visa, and various status changes once he got here and we married. He got his citizenship in 2012 and left me less than a year later and has been quite busy spending a lot of money ever since, while I suffered starting over again. Yes, he could have left sooner, but he was laid off twice, and my son was murdered in the interim, so that would have made him look bad, as if his last stunt did not do that for him. Yes, I'm hurting still because I loved this man with all of my heart and soul, no matter how he treated me. BEWARE, but I know that falls on deaf ears, because I didn't listen either.
    He got the divorce he craved in December 2015, and the judge ordered me to pay half of the student loan that he'd already been reimbursed on by the company that hired him in 2006 based on a lie he told on his application, that he had a high school diploma equivalent (baccalaureate) from Algeria, plus he claimed all education expenses on income tax in the same year he was reimbursed, so not only did Farouk Hammachi get money from his employer and the IRS, he will also get half back from me thanks to the court not having all information at divorce. He claimed also to have just one household income. I also have to pay half of his back taxes for the same year that I owed the IRS, which the judge also didn't know about. This man I married swore he loved me and could never hurt me. Ha!

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