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Posts posted by Velkro216

  1. Posle 7 decembra promenio se nacin zakazivanja intervjua, nacin uplate i jos neke stvari tako da se mozda i u vezi tvoje vize nesto promenilo.

    Nista ne brini, sve ce vam lepo reci u ambasadi kad odete na interviju.


    Hvala ti, uputio sam linkove i pitanje svom advokatu, posto je on pripremao dokumente i slao u National Visa Center, tako da kako me on posavetuje, uradicu.

    Svakako, Hvala tebi na informaciju jos jednom.


  2. Hvala ti za informaciju.. Procitao sam ovaj link:


    Isto na drugom linku sam procitao ovo:

    All passports with visas will be returned to the applicant via DHL. This service is provided at no additional cost to the applicant. To receive documents back from the Consular Section (i.e. your passport with visa), the applicant must be registered on this site. To do so, please click on "Log In" at the top of this site. Follow the steps to select trip purpose, preferred DHL delivery location, and other relevant information requested for each applicant.

    To view the full list of DHL pickup locations click here.

    In general, documents are delivered within 3 business days once the Consular Section has released the applicant's documents for delivery. Please note, however, that there is never a guarantee with regards to how quickly the Consular Section will process your application. As the time it takes to adjudicate an applicant's case is at the sole discretion of the Consular Section, we cannot provide you any information regarding when your personal documents will be turned over to DHL.

    Zato pitam.. Jer mi nije bilo jasno.. pitao sam i svog advokata, cekam na odgovor, svakako hvala ti za informaciju.

  3. Dobar dan svima,

    Moja zena ima CR1 visa razgovor krajem Januara u Beogradu.

    Zanima me proces, ukoliko dobije vizu, kako se vraca pasos sa vizom? Jel se vraca u konzulat da se uzme, jel se salje na kucnu adresu, ili se ide u DHL service center?

    Na web stranici Americke ambasade u Beogradu pise da se salje u Service Centar, ukoliko si registrovan na njihovom sajtu, sto mi je malo konfuzno, jer mi niko nije rekao da se prijavim na taj sajt. Ukoliko nisam registrovan, na koji nacin se dokumenti salju nazad?

    Dakle, ako je neko prosao ceo proces, kako su vam vratili dokumente?

  4. Hello all,

    Being new to this forum, I hope I'm posting in the correct sub-forum. My wife has a CR1 visa interview at the end of January, 2013. My question is, if she is granted a visa, how will the Embassy deliver the visa? I found on the Embassy website, a FAQ:


    Under "Passport/Document Return to Applicant" I read the information and I'm a bit confused.

    Without copy and pasting the entire webpage, this is what interests me: How is the Visa delivered? Is it by mail to my home address, does my wife go to the Consulate to pick up her passport, or do we go to a DHL Service center? They don't state where DHL delivers if someone isn't registered.. The website states:

    All passports with visas will be returned to the applicant via DHL. This service is provided at no additional cost to the applicant. To receive documents back from the Consular Section (i.e. your passport with visa), the applicant must be registered on this site. To do so, please click on "Log In" at the top of this site. Follow the steps to select trip purpose, preferred DHL delivery location, and other relevant information requested for each applicant.

    I'm curious how the post interview process works, and how they send it. From this FAQ one would assume that you go to a service center, but I'm not sure how they pick a service center. Or if I should sign up on their website at all.. Furthermore, I was never informed to register to any websites in order to get her passport back.

    I'm really confused..

    Thanks in advance.

    -Kind Regards

  5. Hi guys,

    I'm new to this forum, my wife has a visa interview (Super excited!) at the end of January, 2013. I was curious, if she gets approved for a CR1 visa, to enter in the United States, what is the process of passport visa delivery?

    I'm aware that the CO holds on to the passport, and stamps the visa. Is the Passport mailed to us or do we pick it up at the Embassy? I assume they will give us this information at the Embassy after the interview, but I need to plan travel times and some other personal affairs.

    I have conflicting information, at a few places I have read that the visa can be picked up next day, at others, I have read that the Embassy process time is about 7-10 days and that it is mailed. Do we have a choice how to pick it up?

    The Embassy that her interview will be held is in Belgrade, Serbia.

    Thanks in advance!

    - Kind regards

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