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Posts posted by robandmilly

  1. All

    I received 129F approval (NOA2) on Dec 7th, 2012. My fiance was living in the Philippines, but took a job recently in UAE. This was a financial and quality of life decision. She is on a work Visa in UAE.

    Our question: Should she schedule the interview in Manila or is it possible to have the documents sent to UAE for her to process through the UAE (American Embassy). I really hope that she could process through UAE.

    Does anyone have advice or experience with this?

    Thank you

  2. Thanks... So far we are waiting for an answer from Bahrain but no response yet. I had thought about personally visiting Bahrain but with the recent activities there not sure its safe as it used to be.

    Will the Philippines embassy not allow her a visa without the did letter? Just wondering if they will actually require it since she would have all the other countries. We will continue trying and I will call Bahrain again.


  3. Thanks... So far we are waiting for an answer from Bahrain but no response yet. I had thought about personally visiting Bahrain but with the recent activities there not sure its safe as it used to be.

    Will the Philippines embassy not allow her a visa without the did letter? Just wondering if they will actually require it since she would have all the other countries. We will continue trying and I will call Bahrain again.


  4. Hi everyone...

    What a lengthy process. The K1 was accepted for NOA1 on 22 June 2012. We are still waiting on an update from the Vermont Service Center. I'm assuming we won't have an answer before Christmas.

    Here is my question

    I am the U.S. resident and I filed for my fiance in Philippines. Since the filing, she has taken a job in UAE. She has a much better job now and is doing well. I was fortunate enough to visit here again this month in UAE. The following are my questions if anyone has experience and/or advice. Thanks

    1) Should she continue with the interview in Manila? (She is working in UAE now but can travel to Manila for the interview)

    2) Would it be worthwhile to change her interview location to UAE (Dubia or Abu Dhabi)?

    3) She has worked in the following countries (UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Singapore) we have the country clearance letter for UAE, Qatar and soon for Singapore

    4) The Bahrain clearance letter is not being released. We have asked several times and even have someone there checking on it but nothing yet

    5) Do we need to be concerned about the Bahrain clearance letter?

    My biggest concern is to keep from delaying this process any longer than it already is. If we change her interview to UAE would that delay this process? The country clearance letter has me stressed out and she is stressed as well. To a point, we haven't brought up the Bahrain issue in the last few weeks.

    If you have advice or experience on these I would greatly appreciate your input.

    Thank you

    K1 Visa - NOA1 on 22 June through VSC

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