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Status Updates posted by fadouasalam

  1. Hey alpha1980..i'm still waiting for the inrterview date..the NVC today assigned new case number for us i hope i'll get it very soon.i will let u know if i know anything .good luck to u too..when is ur interview date by d way?

  2. ey moodyme new case number assigned today we r getting very close..we may have the same interview date or close to each other ..good luck

  3. Assigned New case number Today...tic tac toc

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ismael&Blair


      Great news & best wishes... I'm right behind you I got my NOA2 last Fridau via email. How long should I wait before I bug NVC for my new case number?

    3. fadouasalam


      OOh Thats Great Ismael&Blair its a great news good luck on the rest of the journey..well we started callin nvc one week after we got our NOA2 but they assigned case number 20 days after NOA2.now the case is in casablanca from 27th Feb but stil didnt get the packet 3.

    4. Ismael&Blair


      Thanks for the info...best wishes

  4. Hello manal i stopped by to say hi..How's things with u?? good luck on ur upcoming interview

  5. Faical&Karima can u plz write ur fiance interview ?? i might hv my interview next month Thank u

  6. ohh that's good u make me back positive lol ya u righ will call tomorrow..good luck

  7. How was ur interview??

  8. Congratulation manipura

  9. GONGRATULATION happy for u bamaman..

  10. Hello i stopped by to check any news with u..i got my NOA2 approve on 6feb then got my hard copy 5 days later but from that time still waiting for a letter from NVC it is normal??

  11. Hello i stopped by to check any news with u..i got my NOA2 approve on 6feb then got my hard copy 5 days later but from that time still waiting for a letter from NVC it is normal??

  12. well me too didnt rec anything from NVC we r calling everyday stilnothing

  13. Thank u khay mounir

  14. hey moodyme did u get from NVC ur new case number??

  15. Thank u carosl for answering my question..bonne courage


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LivA


      GREAT NEWS!!See you soon :)

    3. fadouasalam


      Heyy liva how r u?? r u already in morocco..hope u enjoy ur holiday here and if u need anything from me my number is with u.call me anytime..see u

    4. mounir412



  17. Congratulation..soo happy for both of u

  18. CCongratulaaaaation waaw realy happty for u toowxe were both in the same boat..


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