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Status Updates posted by fadouasalam

  1. Thank u Hayam for the review..mabrouk pour la 2éme fois é lah ijib lik rajlak ala khir :)

  2. Yes of course..i will let u know if i get anything from them..hope to get ur packet very soon..Thank u

  3. Yes that what i did now i sent another email from my fiance email (petinioner) i think now its the time right??coz from 27th feb is that mean its there and this update date mean now its ready for them to assigne an apointment date

  4. Case Creation Date: 22-Feb-2013

    Status Updated Date: 27-Feb-2013

  5. 22-Feb-2013

    Status Updated Date: 27-Feb-2013

  6. Well on DOS website it says for me theere is a BIG READY ON DOS

    and it says your ase is now ready for an interview appointment what does mean? should i wait them?? do u v the same on ur DOS ase number?

  7. Yes i know we got NOA2 approve the same time me too our lawyers fil out all the forms and got all the paperwork ready for the interview just waiting for the packet3 and i sent en email to the embassy last week asking about the packet 3 and asked them to send me the paket by email n mail.should i call them?? or send another email.what do u think

  8. OMG u got ast time interview date 1month after ur NOA2 approve..dont scare me..what to do now should i contact the embassy or let my fiance did that from me?

  9. Noo me too i'm confused many Vj's said between 1 or 2weeks but still nothing

  10. Good luck divanater530..well me too waiting for my interview appointment hope to get in april

  11. hi..did u hear something from embassy?

  12. Yes my case now is on Casablanca but waiting for them to update my case on the system and assigne me an appointment date...hope u hear news very soon and good luck

  13. Hello moodyme do u v any news about ur case?

  14. Hey did u get ur interview date..?

  15. Hayam Good luck tomorrow..we hope to hear good news from u enshALAH.allah isahal omor

  16. OOOOH Congratulation to u muna12 i'm soo happy for both of u

  17. Good luck tomorrow muna12..alah isahal omor a hbiba

  18. Good luck tomorrow

  19. congratulation i love both ur love stories :)


  21. i'm sure u'll get approve coz its a good sign that they take ur passport and as hayam said they might call u in 2 days..;)

  22. My fiance when he called before 2 days they told him that they r going to send our case in a few days

  23. did ur case reach casablanca n u hea something fom them?

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