hello.. ived married almost a month.. god sent him for me.. because i was searching a man a year.. its hard to find a serious man at online. i was really tired of it. so i was said my self to stop. finding some if i cant find this time. but god help me to find. i was talking someone on the site. and he said i am too young for him. he thing i am.. so i said no age doesnt. matter to me.. so we are talking more. and know each other. but yes he is a good heart. he need life partner too. then he decide to ask engagement to me at online. and i answer yes. then after that we talk everyday and night. i love him so much even not yet meet in person. then he decide to comedown at philipines to marry me. and i said a big yes.. so he come down later and i wait him to airport this is too excited moment and happy. then when he arrived we are like we meet b4 a long long time ago because we just have fun and happy feelings and talk talk..etc then we go to civil to regester as a married.. then after 10days we get married. but after later days come. he back home. and that is sad i miss him im so lonely i was crying everynight for 3days and sometimes now. missing husband at long distance is too hard. but well need patient to time come and to be together again.. hope you guys.. get challence to my story. love is not finding it is come our life at exactly time..god is good,