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slim last won the day on July 17 2013

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About slim

  • Birthday 03/13/1979

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    Cincinnati OH
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  1. This is one of those fishy ones. Who was on the plane???
  2. Anything to downsize the federal government is a good move and will save money in the long run.
  3. Is it ironic we have a "professional hit" using a suppressed weapon right when folks are talking about getting rid of the NFA?
  4. Plenty of McRibs left! Just came by here because I figured this would be a good topic of discussion. Saw today Fauci & 'nem are likely to be pardoned too.
  5. I've eaten 24 McRibs so far this season. I try to eat one for each year I've been alive.
  6. Pardoned or not, it'd be really interesting to see the DOJ continue investigating all the corruption.
  7. What's really funny is I see pro athletes doing it. (And the media has told us how anti-Trump they are.)
  8. It's been pretty quiet today because they were surprised by the results. Once Big Blue figures out what to do they'll get their marching orders. We'll probably have peace until at least the summer because anything that happens now is still on Biden's watch.
  9. If anything, these hurricanes have proven the government is even more incompetent than ever. Helene wasn't supposed to be nearly as big a deal as she was and Milton was supposed to bring death to Florida. Sounds about like the current admin - hyping up lots of nothing burgers and dropping the ball on things that actually matter. Not much has changed since I frequented this site in years past. What has changed is the wait time for suppressors. One week? NICE!!! Crazy how it used to take a whole year and now they're like, "Whatevs. YOU get a stamp! YOU get a stamp! ALL OF YOU GET STAMPS!!!" We still need to end the fedgov. I'm up in Vermont right now visiting my girlfriend. Got divorced from the original Russian in 2016, married one of her Russian friends a year later, and she & I divorced in 2023. I've been "dating local" since then. Doesn't matter where they're from. They're all crazy! It's 42F and rainy here. Enjoy that Florida sun!
  10. I may need some! A few months ago my wallet was stolen and I didn't realize when I cancelled my cards my dental insurance was set to autopay on one of them. After the next office visit I got hit with a $750 bill that didn't make any sense. "Why didn't my insurance cover this?" Whoops!
  11. A little birdie told me there was talk about guns, suppressors, the breakdown of the rule of law and all other types of fun stuff going on over here on VJ. I'M BACK!!!! Hang in there, Neon. Y'all look like you're in for quite the storm in the coming days. I haven't been down to Florida in a while but my schedule is pretty open the next few months. If it's going to hit as hard as they're saying, I may just have to head down there for some storm relief work. Maybe I'll see you around!
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