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Posts posted by arwensun1965

  1. I spoke with a gentleman at the main General Registar's Office in Southport Merseyside and it is as I thought, I am to wait till Tuesday and speak with the Registar's Office across the road from me and if I do not get any joy then I am to ring the main office in Merseyside and they will provide a letter for me. :thumbs:


  2. Hi Everyone

    Last night Jon went to check the mail, he had received a letter from USCIS requiring more information on my daughter Alarna, with the I-130 we sent a copy of her birth certificate, this certificate does not have her fathers name on it, her father and i spilt up before Alarna was born (long story and personal so wont go into that).

    The USCIS want a full copy of Alarna's birth certificate with BOTH names of her parents, this is not possible because under UK law you can not put the fathers name down if he was not present at the registaring of the child if you were not married at the time.

    I am going to the office on Tuesday (Monday is a bank holiday in England) I am quite lucky as the Registar's office is less than 200 yards away from me. Jon scanned the letter so I will take that with me and also explain what it is I require from them. On page 2 of the letter is says that if the primary and secondary evidence are unabailable then you can submit a letter from an appropriate civil authority or government, on their offical letterhead.

    So my question is if I ask and if they do can the registar do a letter on my behalf explaining that no record for this exists???

  3. The 5th of May is not Mexican Independence Day, but it should be! And Cinco de Mayo is not an American holiday, but it should be. Mexico declared its independence from mother Spain on midnight, the 15th of September, 1810. And it took 11 years before the first Spanish soldiers were told and forced to leave Mexico.

    So, why Cinco de Mayo? And why should Americans savor this day as well? Because 4,000 Mexican soldiers smashed the French and traitor Mexican army of 8,000 at Puebla, Mexico, 100 miles east of Mexico City on the morning of May 5, 1862.

    The French had landed in Mexico (along with Spanish and English troops) five months earlier on the pretext of collecting Mexican debts from the newly elected government of democratic President (and Indian) Benito Juarez. The English and Spanish quickly made deals and left. The French, however, had different ideas.

    Under Emperor Napoleon III, who detested the United States, the French came to stay. They brought a Hapsburg prince with them to rule the new Mexican empire. His name was Maximilian; his wife, Carolota. Napoleon's French Army had not been defeated in 50 years, and it invaded Mexico with the finest modern equipment and with a newly reconstituted Foreign Legion. The French were not afraid of anyone, especially since the United States was embroiled in its own Civil War.

    The French Army left the port of Vera Cruz to attack Mexico City to the west, as the French assumed that the Mexicans would give up should their capital fall to the enemy -- as European countries traditionally did.

    Under the command of Texas-born General Zaragosa, (and the cavalry under the command of Colonel Porfirio Diaz, later to be Mexico's president and dictator), the Mexicans awaited. Brightly dressed French Dragoons led the enemy columns. The Mexican Army was less stylish.

    General Zaragosa ordered Colonel Diaz to take his cavalry, the best in the world, out to the French flanks. In response, the French did a most stupid thing; they sent their cavalry off to chase Diaz and his men, who proceeded to butcher them. The remaining French infantrymen charged the Mexican defenders through sloppy mud from a thunderstorm and through hundreds of head of stampeding cattle stirred up by Indians armed only with machetes.

    When the battle was over, many French were killed or wounded and their cavalry was being chased by Diaz' superb horsemen miles away. The Mexicans had won a great victory that kept Napoleon III from supplying the confederate rebels for another year, allowing the United States to build the greatest army the world had ever seen. This grand army smashed the Confederates at Gettysburg just 14 months after the battle of Puebla, essentially ending the Civil War.

    Union forces were then rushed to the Texas/Mexican border under General Phil Sheridan, who made sure that the Mexicans got all the weapons and ammunition they needed to expel the French. American soldiers were discharged with their uniforms and rifles if they promised to join the Mexican Army to fight the French. The American Legion of Honor marched in the Victory Parade in Mexico, City.

    It might be a historical stretch to credit the survival of the United States to those brave 4,000 Mexicans who faced an army twice as large in 1862. But who knows?

    In gratitude, thousands of Mexicans crossed the border after Pearl Harbor to join the U.S. Armed Forces. As recently as the Persian Gulf War, Mexicans flooded American consulates with phone calls, trying to join up and fight another war for America.

    Mexicans, you see, never forget who their friends are, and neither do Americans. That's why Cinco de Mayo is such a party -- A party that celebrates freedom and liberty. There are two ideals which Mexicans and Americans have fought shoulder to shoulder to protect, ever since the 5th of May, 1862. VIVA! el CINCO DE MAYO!!

    Well thats my history lesson learnt today. :thumbs:

  4. Hi I thought this would be interesting, I was always used to using a stick until I lived in the USA, my husband has an Automatic. One day I went to work and parked in a parking space, I could not get the keys out of the car ignition, I started to panic, I sat there nearly in tears wondering if I should phone the AAA for assistance, well this fella parked next to me and I plucked up the courage to ask him if he know anything about cars, he looked in the car and said " mam it helps if you put the thing in park" I could of died, right there and then I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, so I much prefer to use a stick.

  5. ................VISA APPROVALS LONDON 2007...................

    ................VISA APPLICANTS LONDON 2007...................


    Arwensun1965 CR1 ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????

  6. We just need to take some time and come up with a new, neat looking column heading (sort of like what it looks like on page 1).

    I don't have time to look right now, will play around later.

    ok great :thumbs:

    ................VISA APPROVALS LONDON 2007...................

    ................VISA APPLICANTS LONDON 2007...................


    Arwensun1965 CR1 ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????

  7. [size="2"]Name[/size][size="2"]Visa Type[/size][size="2"]Date of NOA1 [/size][size="2"]Date of NOA2[/size][size="2"]Pkg 3[/size][size="2"]Medical[/size][size="2"]Inteview Date[/size][size="2"]Approved/Pending[/size][size="2"]Arwensun1965[/size][size="2"]CR1[/size][size="2"]02/08/2007[/size][size="2"]05/04/2007[/size][size="2"]??????[/size][size="2"]?????[/size][size="2"]?????[/size][size="2"]?????[/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][size="2"] [/size][font="Arial"][size="2"][/size][/font]

  8. ok been playing about with excel and word lol

    here goes

    1. Name Visa Type Date of NOA1 Date of NOA2 Pkg 3 Medical Inteview Date
      Arwensun1965 CR1 02/08/2007 05/04/2007 ?????? ????? ?????

    hmmm still not working how it was

  9. Looking at another thread today reminded me that last year we did a thread for everyone to see when we got NOA1's and 2's and medical and interview date, I would like everyone's opinion of doing another one, to help people along the way, I am willing to update and add people as we go along.

    Something in the lines of this :..........

    Name Visa Type Date of NOA1 Date of NOA2 Pkg 3 Medical Inteview Date

    Arwensun1965 CR1 02/08/2007 05/04/2007 ?????? ????? ?????

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