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Posts posted by arwensun1965

  1. I had a medical in November 2005 but that was not at the same place it is now, Jon and I are trying to get a picture of how much all this is going to cost us. We also have my daughter Alarna to pay for so we have to basically double everything, if someone could help me caculate this I would be grateful.

    Thanks Janice

  2. Nope America is not the centre of the world ..... my mum always said that if you dig long enough you will reach the centre of the world and then if you dig a bit more you will end up in Australia lol something went wrong hehehe I must of turned left at Albuquerque

  3. Different people take things different ways, say I looked at someone and said oh he has a nice #######, that would be a kind of flirty remark, if Jon said baby that woman has a nice body that too could be thought of as flirtatious, both remarks about other people but well within the bounds of normal behavior. Now if I were to actually go up to a guy and said you have a nice ####### then that would be overstepping the bounds. There is a line to be drawn, be careful not to appear to be over possessive, know what your partners limits are before you get married.

  4. Sing to I will Survive (just a giggle)

    ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT...................................................


    Sing Along!!!!!!!!!!!

    At first I was afraid, I was petrified,

    When you said you had 10 inches, Lord I almost died!

    But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long, That I grew strong, And I knew that I could take you on....

    But there you are, Another Lie,

    I was ready for a Big Mac and you've brought me a French Fry!

    I should have known that it was bullshit, just a sad pathentic dream,

    Should have known that was no Anaconda lurking in those jeans!

    Go on now go,

    Walk out the door,

    Don't you promise me 10 inches, then turn up with only 4!

    Weren't you a brat to think I wouldn't find you out!?

    Don't you know we're only joking when we say size don't count?


    I will survive! I will survive!

    Cuz as long as I have batteries, My Sex life's gonna thrive!

    I will always have good sex, with a handful of latex!

    I will survive! I will survive!... Hey!Hey!


    It took all my self control not to laugh out loud, When I saw your little wiener standing tall and proud!

    But to hell with all your egos and to hell with all your needs, Now I'm saving all my lovin' for a cordless multispeed!


    I will survive! I will survive!

    Cuz as long as I have batteries, My Sex life's gonna thrive!

    I will always have good sex, with a handful of latex!

    I will survive! I will survive!... Hey!Hey!

  5. Parents are responsible for their children's well being.

    Yes they are but here is where it gets sticky, even when the parents are doing all they can to keep the child on track a child with special needs is completely different to a "normal" child. Every child is different, a friend of mine has a son his name is Danial, he is loving and happy but he has ADHD, upset him and all hell breaks loose, the friend is a loving mother she watches what he eats as artifical flavours and E's in the food can cause Danial to go into a mood that is to say the least difficult. Danial goes to a normal high school and has been in a few situations that his mother has had to deal with. Daniel is getting good grades and is now settling into the system.

    Second case is Kieren, he is also ADHD and let me tell you he is a monster when angry, he is rude and generally naughty. He attends an ADHD clinic and yes he is on tablets which he takes 3 times aday. If you were to say to Kieren to not do something he would do it anyway (Daniel would not). Kieren is younger than Daniel but with similar backgrounds.

    Third case. Lindsey is now 22 years old and lives with her partner in Wales. Lindsey was diagnosed with ODD at 14 years old, I know that my sister her mother had a very difficult time, Lindsey would call the police on my sister and my sister had done nothing wrong, Lindsey would not do anything to help my sister, she would not tidy her room (and I saw what a mess it was) and she would not help herself either, personal hygene was to say the least poor no matter what my sister tried to do to help.

    All three cases are different but the children react in the same way, all three had or are having a different approch to parenting, so please if you have not got any experience with children like the three above or the one that the OP mentioned then I do not think it is good to offer an opinion on something you will never (well lets hope you never) have to go through.

  6. Seems like this mom is placing all the blame on her kid. He didn't just turn into this out of control child by himself. They need to look at several aspects of his life to see what the real problem is instead of just labeling him with ADHD and trying to cure him with meds. I don't have all the experience in the world but I have worked with children with "behavioral disorders" who are placed on medication when they don't need to be. When you look at their past and their family life and the fact that they have individual needs that need to be addressed but are instead clumped together into one category then you can see where the problem is.

    As per usual the mother gets the blame ..oh wait a minute the family life is shite too, the child has a problem so the doctor put him on tablets for nothing...give me a bloody break, if you had one of these children for just 24 hours and I mean the whole 24 hours and not just part of it then maybe your attitude will change. I have known children with ADHD, ODD and other special needs and it is not easy for the parents, even with parents who have "normal" lives.

  7. Oh, I've done all these things for more than a year, and complete silence from the person. This is my question for "why?"....it's not that I haven't attempted, but the person completely ignores me.

    As you said you have done the advice that was offered then really there is only two things you can do...

    1. Completely forget about the whole incident and take it as lesson learnt.

    2. Publicly tell everyone who it was to embarrass them.

    Sometimes people are going to screw you over even though you do not deserve it, I am sorry this had to happen to you.

  8. I do have an engagement ring not with a diamond but with a green gem stone in it, Jon likes green and to be honest anything would of done me, I am not in to all this diamond stuff, NO I am not putting anyone down who is we are all different on this planet and we each have our own personal choices to make. Jon and I both have white gold wedding rings, we did choose those together, no they were not expensive but not cheap either (well not to us anyway) :P

    Sorry I do not understand how you could be unhappy about a poxy ring!!! The love of your life is your SO, as a little girl you got this thing in your head about weddings and how they are supposed to be, when I was a little girl I was so scared of weddings and standing there in front of people telling them how much one another love another ( does that make sense!!) anyhow it gave me bloody nightmares.

    Just go with the flow and buy whatever you fancy it is no big deal, what is a big deal is how much you love your other half, that is what counts in the long run.

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