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Posts posted by arwensun1965

  1. This is the K1 forum not a discussion on weather you are black or white, rich or poor, this should be put in off topic as clearly it is nothing to do with a K1 Visa. Aside from that it does not matter what your colour is and nor should it matter what your colour is, if your petition is behind start doing something about it instead of accusing everyone in USCIS of being racist bigots. IMO there have been thousand's of petitions passed no matter what colour you are.


  2. The Embassy has a right so they call it to keep you waiting for at least 12 weeks, there have been people that have waited far longer but eventually got an interview (Scott comes to mind) if you email them with your case number you will get a canned response and nothing else. Some have been told in e-mails not to e-mail again with enquires, it is a waiting game, you will get an interview at some stage (this being the last stage) be patient, I know this is hard ( I found this part very difficult).


    P.S Do not even bother with the Misinformation Line they know as much as somebody with an IQ of -100

  3. I have just had a very interesting conversation with USCIS this is how it went...........

    Janice......Hello I would like some general information on the I-130 and how much it will cost.

    William...... The I-130 is $190.00

    Janice.......... Could you please explain to me the next part of the process.

    William........ Yes mam, could I please put you on hold while I ask for this information.

    Janice......... Yes


    William....... Mam you do not need to do this form or any other form, because you are in England you can come to the U.S.A on the Visa Waiver Programme and do your Ajustment of Status here in the U.S.A

    Janice........ I think you are wrong in what you are telling me.

    William....... Mam I am not wrong, I have just been given this information, Mam I have the border protection number which you can ring and arrange a date that you can come and join your husband.

    Janice ......(pause because I could not believe what I was hearing) so I ring the border protection and they will just let me in will they.

    William......... Yes Mam they will take your details and allow you into the USA on the Visa Waiver Programme.

    Janice...... Ok will you give me the number that I must call then please

    William.... (gives me border patrol number)

    Janice...... Thank you very much have a nice Christmas.

    Puts down phone and fell about laughing....... at this point has a 2 second thought to ring the border patrol :devil::devil:

    Rang USCIS back and explained to a lady what had just happened and after she fell about laughing she explained that NO I could not do that (well duh) and then went on the say that she had never heard of a CR1 and that I was to phone the NVC to get all the information from them.

    Rang NVC and aquired all the information that I needed.


    Merry Christmas

  4. That's really impossible to answer because it depends on what you count as being part of the whole process. Are you talking about just the paperwork and appointments? Are you counting travel costs? If so, that'll vary on when and where you travel, for example. Are you counting in any possible phone calls you may have to make? Are you counting food you'll pay for while in London? Hotel? Do you need any vaccinations at the medical?

    These kinds of 'how much will it cost' questions are always hard to answer because it really depends on your exact situation and what you count as 'part of the process' compared to normal everyday costs.

    Hi and thanks for the reply....No I was actually just looking at the paperwork and cost of the visa, I do not have to pay for vaccinations as I had them last time so all up to date with that, and I live too near London to have to pay for a hotel, it's a quick trip for me into Waterloo and then underground to bond street. My daughter is 18 so has all her vaccinations up to date, I know by looking at the guides that the I-130 is $190.00 each that is the first step, then there is the visa to pay for but Jon and I are not quite sure weather he pays it his end or I pay it my end. I will add the travel costs at the end so that in all it gives me an approximate figure.


  5. After reading all the guides provided again there is only one price and that is the medical in London, which has already been provided by kind posters, what I would like to know is how much the WHOLE process is for CR1 for one person so that I can double that amount, can anyone see what I am getting at?? sorry to be a pain in the bum.


  6. At first glance I do not think people would pay anything to view VJ. There are other options on the internet that give information free. The problem with the other web sites is that you do not necessarily get someone who has done that and worn the tee shirt. The wealth of information that is available from good people who take time out to tell us what they have learned or experienced is worth a million bucks :thumbs:


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