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Posts posted by arwensun1965

  1. My Husband has a concealed gun license, when we were talking about this subject I asked about burglers and such, being from England where we are not allowed guns it was an interesting subject to talk about.

    Jon said "honey the law says if someone comes into the house with the intent to harm you or your family then you have the right to protect yourselves" but some burgulars have sued householders for shooting them, so what is the point.

    Nowadays it seems the victim has no rights at all, just let these people do what they want because nothing is going to stop them short of shooting them dead!!!!!

  2. Hi Jazzy

    Thank you for the information you have supplied so far, I think Jon and I were getting a wee bit confused with the process and you have cleared up what we needed to know.

    One last thing before we send the I-130's off ......What should the cover letter say? Is it just a contents thing or do we need to put more???



  3. Doesn't your American fiance know the answers to your questions ?
    that was my reply to him/her in the MENA forum, where this same post showed up. All states are different in their marriage requirements. Far be if from us to tell him/her what to do.

    These replies are unnecessary, VJ is a place for help and support.

    To the OP, you need to go to your local Social Security Office and apply for your SS#

  4. In Georgia, if you are unmarried they will NOT let you put a name in the father's space until he can sign the birth certificate, there by verifying his paternaty to the child.  A mother can not just add the paternal partner even if he asks to be listed if he can not be there to sign the original form...they would then have to have the certificate edited later to have him added to the document.<BR>  <BR>If the bc has no one listed as the father I would not list one on the form either and write on the form maybe "unknown" or something to that effect.

    This is also the case in England, there is no way you can put the fathers name down if he is not there to witness it.

  5. Hi All

    Jon and I are filling out the G-325A and we are stuck on something............ I was never married to my daughter Alarna's father, we parted ways before she was born, on her birth certificate his name is not mentioned as in England if the father is not with the partner when she registers the baby then his name cannot go onto the birth certificate (this is the law).

    What we would like to know is do we have to put his name on the G-325A since his name is not on the birth certificate, if not then what do we put?

    Thanks for your answers

    Janice and Jon

  6. Jon has the patience of a saint, me on the other hand well lets just say :devil: no, before I saw this topic I was just on the phone to Jon and we were talking and I said honey please tell me when I am doing wrong, he said well baby you are stubborn and it is sometimes what Janice wants Janice gets, I said well I am sorry I will try harder with everything. This is the great thing about him and I love him to bits.

  7. June

    I had to ring around and get a rough price in my head of everything, here is what i came up with:

    I-130 $190.00

    Affidavid of Support $70.00 (one of payment)

    DS-230 $380.00

    Medical $160.00

    Travel prices, this will have to be worked out for yourselves. Hope this has helped abit


  8. My husband and I are doing the CR1, he is the USC and I am in the UK, I have it all written down but if your doing DCF then I think it will be a little different. The medical is £160.00, and also figure in a price for travel to the Embassy and flight travel (work out if it will be cheaper to get a return ticket or single as it does not matter what you buy ok) We are filling in the forms this weekend so they should be sent soon. Will let you know.


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