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Posts posted by arwensun1965

  1. Another quick update.........

    Checked on line today with the case number they gave us and YES it registered so hopefully everything is fine now, Jon has said he will ring them again about the NOA1 and see what has happened to it. SO all it takes is a threat to speak to the Senator, it is a ridiculous situation to be in, why could they not of done the glitch in the first place is beyond me instead of numerous phone calls and a threat to call the Senator!!!!!


  2. ok quick update

    Jon phoned USCIS and as per usual got a different person, he told them of the problem yet again but this time assured the person that if this problem was not resolved then he would ring his senator to which the person said he would resolve the issue with the glitch today. The person at USCIS did say that if Jon had not phoned then our case would more than likely sit there for months because he could not get my name to register with the case number they gave us (well duh). Jon said to me he will give them until Tuesday and if things have not improved then he will ring his senator.

    No we did not get an NOA1 for mine, we did for my daughter but nothing for me.

    Richi hehehehe we will not go the ( I am a Lawyer) route lmao

  3. :angry:

    Talk about flipping angry, first of all our case is NOT APPROVED because THEY gave us the wrong bloody case number and this woman I have just spoken too was way rude I mean over the bloody top rude. Our case number will not register on there web site, I told the lady this, she just said she had other callers waiting and that my husband should call as she would not give me any other information, which is fine but she could not speak proper English to me it was all broken English, I said that I could not understand her, at that point she shouted at me, I just sat on the other end of the telephone kinda speechless (which is unusual for me) I tried to explain that it was there office which gave us the wrong case number in the first place (big mistake) oh woe betide anyone who accuses them of incompetence, she then gives us this other case number which will not go into there system. I phoned my husband up and told him what had happened and he is fuming. Jon is going to phone them and demand an answer to all this mess which they have caused and if he does not get anything satisfactory he is going to phone his Senator tomorrow.

  4. Hi Everyone

    When Jon and I sent in our forms for CR1 and CR2 we submitted I-130's for both my daughter and myself. We were expecting these to be approved at the same time but they were not. USCIS in there wisdom changed my I-130 to an

    I-539 which they approved last week. I do not know what to make of it all, when Jon phoned USCIS they told him it was ok and that in the little brown envelope that the Embassy give you all the I-539 would be in that. I am worried about it all, do you guys think I should be or am I just over reacting to it all, this is really stressing me out. I thought because I have been through it once everything should be ok but I guess I am wrong. :help:


  5. Hmm... P85? When I left the UK I just got on a plane. Was I supposed to fill out a form?

    Oh yes and it is not too late to do so, they will send it to your address in America and you can deposit it into your bank account, that is what I did the last time I did this. You receive a certain amount of tax back for the year you worked and it is not to be sniffed at either lol.

  6. 1) i need from my current residence


    2) place of my stay in medical school , same country


    3)since the place i stayed in my med schol time - didnt issued passport my passport was issued from the larger place same state but different place - my main question is do i need police certificate from the passport office also ? my passport is 4 yrs old

    :devil: I was going to be flippent but a big fat NOOOOOOOOOOOO to this one

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