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Posts posted by arwensun1965

  1. I received a call from her that she bought a ticket and flew into the U.S. without my knowledge.

    You have kind of contradicted yourself here, you knew she was coming into the country and you knew you had a shaky relationship, but no use crying over spilled milk, now you need to do as other posters have said and get in contact with the relevent people and report what you know.

  2. Sorry things did not work out, but now you need to contact USCIS to discontinue your Adjustment of Status, it is classed as abandoned when you do not contact them, as Jewel said it depends in which state you live in as to how quickly you can get a divorce, if I were you I would go in person with your soon to be ex wife to the court house you were married in and see if they have a rep that can help you, they do in Washington State.

    Take care


  3. well here is the situation

    I am going to correct my tax return and file as married filling jointly.....the question is my husband is planning on going back after entering the states for work reasons he wants to stay here about fourty days and go back now here is the problem

    Where is he going too, you have not said???

  4. A friend of my daughters has just returned from Holland and said that he had to learn Dutch to work. I would say if you are going to live in a different country at least learn some of the language even if it is just hello. People do not know how frustrating it is to have other people speak in a language you do not know all day. I have just had that experience at a company I have just finished with, the girls spoke Polish all day and I was not involved in the conversation at all and I am in England.

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