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Posts posted by cjjj

  1. Thanks for this!:)

    Wow! That's great news. I hope i'll be with my wife too in time for Thanksgiving. Good luck with your journey!:)

    I really wish you a speedy way through NVC but I would try to not get my hopes up for Thanksgiving. If you are just starting the NVC process yet, it is highly unlikely you will make it by Thanksgiving - but Christmas is a definite possibility and that's great news :)

  2. and by the way... i also found out that we can print the document cover sheet even tho it shows "In Process" on payment portal....so we can prepare everything get it ready....

    Oh nice, I didn't know that. When we were putting together the AOS, the sheet did not print correctly until about 2-3 days after the status said PAID.

    there u go...u rec'd it at last....hahahaha and yeah that is the acceptance email....i got my IV bill today...so u will receive it soon too.....yayeeee

    Yay! When did your DS-3032 get accepted? How long did it take after that for the bill?

  3. I just received this email:

    "Dear Sir/Madam:

    The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry regarding the immigrant visa petition ..... filed by ..... on behalf of ......

    We received the principal applicant's DS-3032 (Choice of Address and Agent) form designating an address and agent. Instructions for paying the immigrant visa application processing fee and all future correspondence will be sent to the agent at the address selected on the DS-3032."

    Is this the acceptance I have been waiting for? Does this mean I will receive the IV invoice any day now???? Sorry, I am so flabbergasted right now I think my brain isn't working :)

  4. I just called them and after being on hold for 10 minutes I had a nice 6 minute conversation with a very nice gentleman who said to absolutely NOT send the package without paying the bill and getting the cover sheet first. He also said usually the acceptance of the 3032 takes 5-10 business days but that lately they have experienced an increase in emails (probably because everyone is sending everything twice etc.) - so i guess everyone needs to just hang tight and wait a bit longer :(

  5. I just wrote a post about what I'm going to tell you in October NVC filers but I will mention it here to you as well. I called NVC and was told that I can send the IV packet anytime now even though I still haven;t gotten the acceptance e-mail, haven't paid the IV bill or anything related to this stage. I'm shocked but the guy I was talking to repeated that 3 times - no need to wait; it doesn't have to be in that order. I want to go to the post office the first thing tomorrow morning. I just want to get some opinions first. ut that changes a lot!!!!

    I am not sure I trust that advice at all because you need the barcode sheet. Otherwise their entire setup makes no sense at all. Why bother have an online payment portal that generates such a sheet and so on? I would hate risking a reject or RFE on the IV because the bill hasn't been paid yet. I have gotten so many different opinions from NVC. I called about the DS-3032 and some people will tell you that you CANNOT send an email using the template at all, others will say it's okay as long as you attach the scanned form as well, other still will say that only the form by snail mail is acceptable. So as much as I want to get the IV thing done asap, I don't want to risk making things worse.

  6. that will be terrible after waiting for 2 weeks.My wife's IV package is almost ,it will be great if they bill me for IV. So i can send the documents out and then play the waiting game. I thought email will be faster but guess what its longer than the snail mail.

    Looks like it. And the problem is, snail mail will definitely be accepted if no mistakes are made but email seems to get rejected a lot. So I would not do it the same way again. But now we can only wait and hope :(

  7. i noticed onething. the user said he emailed 20th. but he emailed it from fiji. thats one day ahead of us here in US. So my guess is they are working on 19th or 20th. so we should hear something soon like in 1 day or 2 day max. all should done by this week.

    Nice catch :)

    Let's hope. I am just reading a lot about rejections of DS-3032 emails these days.... fingers crossed for us though!

  8. I sent my DS-3032 via email on 20th Sept too...i got the acceptance yesterday (02nd Oct)....

    just for everyones info please do check ur spam emails or junks emails too because i got mine as spam....it was funny i did check my email yesterday but never bothered about the spam as always....but today i just reluctantly clicked on spam and there it was.....so please just be aware....

    That's really good to know that they are still working on the 20th or now 21st, thank you. I will check my spam folder for sure. Could you tell me whether you sent the email right after you received the case number, using the template from the forum or whether you sent the actual form or whether you sent the email after you received the AOS bill. I'd appreciate it.

  9. You're right - I wouldn't risk sending such important documents via mail twice. And 48hours across the globe is not so bad! :)))

    Postal Office/UPS in Germany is probably much better than in Poland (it is terrible and slow:).

    Just make sure that everything is in the package and make copies of the entire one (just in case).

    I will definitely do that. I checked online and it says that I can order UPS pickup and it will be delivered 2 days later in the morning. I hope they are reliable. Never tried it. I make copies of everything anyway and have already ordered doubles of all originals too, just in case. Everything really just hinges on the choice of agent form which in my eyes they should do away with for spouses that give them their email addresses as both receive everything anyway. I am not sure why we have to wait an additional 2 weeks in the process for something that has no impact on the actual process. oO

  10. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the e-mail to come as soon as possible. I love December but it is true - filled with holidays so offices are closed. I REALLY think, that you will be done by then. You know why? Because some people on VJ whose cases have been approved at USCIS just a few days ago are still hoping to be done in 2012. And you are way ahead! I realize that hope and reality are two different things but we have to stay positive, right? :yes:

    Does your husband have the IV packet from you? (you are in Germany, and he is in the US, right?). If you send it from here, it can get to NVC the next day.

    I will start freaking out if my husband doesn't get an e-mail by next Tuesday. That is enough time for them to read and accept the e-mail :lol:

    Please, stay positive. I know it is hard.

    Thanks for your kind words. No, my husband does not have the package. My idea was to send it with 48-hour UPS from Germany. Do you think that's a bad idea? I didn't want to send original documents (which aren't that easy to come by) by mail twice.

  11. About NVC - hmmm, maybe you are right. However, I did hear they are open until late hours.

    Believe me, I totally understand. I cannot wait for this to be over and to be with my Husband soon. In the worst case scenario, when they reject it - just e-mail it again. It will be a week or so added but I think we will be done this year. It is almost the last step, right?

    Is there a long wait for the interview in Germany?

    I haven't really been able to find out how long the wait is but from the timelines it looks like at least one month. Considering that half of December is filled with holidays, if the DS-3032 isn't accepted soon, it will be almost impossible to still get an interview this year. Assuming I would have to resend it next week (email and snail mail this time), it would be one week before they receive it at least, another week or more until the accept it, then a few days to invoice and get paid status, then mailing the IV documents - by time they would receive those it will be early November, so it's doubtful that the acceptance and interview scheduling would come early enough to still make it this year :( Since I emailed it right after I received the case number, I was really hoping that would speed things up, but now it almost seems like that was the wrong choice and I should have waited for the document and snail mailed it as those seem to actually get accepted faster.

    Please keep me updated when you hear from them about the document. This is the only place that offers some comfort :)

  12. I just read in the NVC September thread (http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/386421-nvc-filers-september-2012/) - second post, FAQ, that sometimes it takes 1-2 weeks for the answer to DS-3032 email. As we all know, with USCIS or NVC - it is never for sure how they do certain things. I also thought they answer e-mails that reach the first. But, like you said, if someone got a response, and sent it on the same day as you - then that is just how it is. It's NVC way :)

    Also, NVC works until midnight - there is still time today :).

    Oh really? I didn't know they process stuff 'til midnight. I thought they only answer the phone that late. Since I got a confirmation email after I sent the email, I am hoping I will still hear from them and the email didn't get lost. The worst would be if it got lost or if I would get a rejection. Sorry for freaking out, but being apart from my husband is horrible and I feel like all I am doing these days is wait for another step to be over.

  13. my wife send the email out sep 20th evening. Still to hear anything back from NVC. This is the last piece hanging out. Once they accept it they should invoice me for IV bill. Hope i hear something soon. Its been almost 10 days.

    That's so strange, because there is someone on the forum who also sent it on the 20th and got the IV bill on the 28th... if they go in the order of emails received, like they say they do, we should have heard by now.

  14. Since emailing the DS-3032 right after receipt of the case number appears to be hit and miss I thought I'd start a thread asking who got a rejection for their email and what happened then. I'd be very happy if lots of you would reply as I am freaking out about my DS-3032. It seems that if it gets rejected, the process will be delayed another two weeks (which would be horrible for me).

  15. I sent mine on the 22nd a day after I received the case number on the phone. I only received their official DS-3032 email together with the AOS bill on the 26th so I am a bit worried that they will reject the email I sent 4 days before that. The person on the phone at NVC told me that a generic email is not acceptable and that only the official DS-3032 sheet will get accepted (either scanned via email or via snail mail) - however, the story on the forums seems to speak a very different language. I am confused.

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