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About gegestar

  • Birthday 12/12/1986

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  • Immigration Status
    K-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. I need to know what should I do if I don't have anyone to do an affidavit of support, when I don't have enough income. What do I do? I am so stressed out!

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    2. carolynhotstuff


      Does his/her family know anyone in the USA who could be a sponsor?

    3. gegestar


      Well there are family friends but they seem to act funny, some how I feel jealously is in the mix :(. Well so far my mothers friend might help, I hope she meets the guide line. Also if I was not so ill I would just go and live in Nigeria, but I will keep trying, but that will be the last thing I do, because its been really hard being in and out of the hospital for so long and he is not beside me and he is stressed out. I wish I was feeling better to just travel and for us to live happy ever a...

    4. gegestar


      I have income, but that income does not meet the poverty line and I have a car but it's value is not that much. In this case what do I do? I realized that not all people care, I am learning who is family and friends. I love my mother so much! Through all of this she has been doing her best to help me and I know she would do anything to help me be with the one I love. I just wish I was not ill and is able to work a full time job and support everything at this point I am just praying an...

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