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Status Updates posted by gegestar

  1. All I can do is pray and God will get Us through this! Amen

  2. I need to know what should I do if I don't have anyone to do an affidavit of support, when I don't have enough income. What do I do? I am so stressed out!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Are you two married and have you met in person within the last two years? Has he been to the US. Getting more information will allow us to make sure we are giving you the right answers. I'm asking because you stated you are sick and in and out of the hospital a lot.

    3. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      There is a certain criteria you have to meet in order to file a K-3 (which no longer exists). First change your timeline to IR-1/CR-1, that is the visa you are filing for.

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      If you filed an I-130 and an I-129F to go the K3 route, the I-129 will be tossed out. (I made this mistake as well.) So first, change your timeline.

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