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Posts posted by GINEA_123

  1. So this is the deal..We sent the K1 back in Feb, waited 2 months and heard nothing, realized we didnt send nearly enough info... :crying: So we sent it again on Sept 26, them receiving it on Sept 28, still no NOA1, seeing people getting theres right away kinda worries me if I am going to get one...So this is my first post and just venting :P

    You have no acknowledgment of them receiving your original filing? Was you fee payment cashed?

    That was one of the big problems, my fiance did not send the payment...lol and the package was never sent back, so I am not sure what happen to that, I dont even know if they received it or not...This was all before I came to this site..I know the package we sent this time had all the right info..Fingers crossed this time :thumbs:

  2. So this is the deal..We sent the K1 back in Feb, waited 2 months and heard nothing, realized we didnt send nearly enough info... :crying: So we sent it again on Sept 26, them receiving it on Sept 28, still no NOA1, seeing people getting theres right away kinda worries me if I am going to get one...So this is my first post and just venting :P

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