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Posts posted by CommittedBirds

  1. must have CURRENT I-864 on petitioner and co-sponser and new police check and new medical.

    why current I-864 stuff? tax year transpired, there is new data.

    why new police check ? last one expired.

    why new medical? medical exams are good for 6 months (sometimes a year, depending on country)

    Go Get Em, and Good Luck !

    Thanks Darnell, i've ordered my police and court records, i'm getting them soonish :)

  2. I think if your petition was reaffirmed, it goes straight back to the consulate, thereby not stopping at NVC again. With that being said, I think bringing all the paperwork again is a smart idea. If Mounir412 sees your post, OP, he may have a more concrete answer, as his case was recently reaffirmed as well. From cases that I have read, They ask for a new medical, new police reports, etc....so new I-864 would make sense. Good luck

    Yes, our case was reaffirmed, so, based on what you've said, our i-864 needs to go straight to the consulate, got it.

    thanks bzaf for your input

  3. what kind of visa? if it;s cr1 affidavit of support goes to the NVC

    It's an IR-1 visa but initially was CR-1.

    P.S. i appreciate so much your contribution to my thread, it's weird that users in MENA forum seem willing to contribute to only threads where they can criticize others rather than offering help, notably the ones who have been in here more than 3 years or so, mostly women, I've been posting threads asking questions, i get hundreds of views but no answers. We're suppose to do good to each other in this world.

  4. The current income is most important in that if that isn't enough, nothing else from the past will matter.

    Thanks, i see, but why do they care about the annual income of the last 3 years since all that matters is the current income? if he made over $90,000.00 each year the last 3 years which is way above %125 of the poverty line but now he makes only $1,000.00 / month, and vice versa, if someone has made under %125 of the poverty level the last three years but currently they're making a monthly income that by the end of 2013 will have been above 125% of the poverty level, how do you explain that?

    I got denied last year because my wife didn't make enough in 2011,2010,2009, i explained to the CO that if my wife continues making the same monthly income ( entire 2012) then, by the end of 2012 she will have made enough to be above the poverty level, but the CO said that they care about the last 3 years not the current year. In addition, this is confusing: they can't judge the sponsor/co-sponsor based on the current income that is stable whether from employment or retirement , because the sponsor/co-sponsor is able to increase their income by taking another job or doing other activities so by the end of the current year they will have made enough, plz explain to me if you can, thanks.

  5. Hello everybody

    who can tell me about the K-1 process in Morocco?

    My fiancee does not have a job but we have a family's freind who will filed Affidavit of support for us. is this possible???

    Thanks for your comments wink.png

    To not waste time talking too much, your fiance must find a job very soon, if she/he is disabled, then you must show notes from her/his health care, to tell you the truth, even if Brad Pitt does the affidavit of support for you, it won't work out, just have your fiance find any job, that's better than nothing, and later if her/his income is not enough, your family and friends - who must be a US citizens of permanent residents - can help you out, the important is that your fiancé show the intention that she/ he is an active petitioner.

  6. Our co-sponsor got retired last year but his annual household income of 2012, 2011 & 2010 is very good ($90,000.00) , currently his income is from his retirement and social security.

    - What's the most important thing for the consulate: the annual income from the last 3 years or the current income?

    - On the I-864 form, Part 7 "Use of assets to supplement income. (Optional). If your income, or the total income for you and your household, from line 24c exceeds the Federal Poverty Guidelines for your household size, YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED to complete this Part. Skip to Part 8."

    - Do you think it doesn't hurt to fill out part 7 by the co-sponsor, as his current income may or may not be sufficient? does his need to provide proofs of his assets only or attach other proofs that show the ease of converting the assets into cash?

    Please help, thank you

  7. Hello, if someone knows the answers to my questions, plz give help.

    I am the beneficiary at the US consulate in Casablanca Morocco, i have questions regarding the sponsorship package (i-864).

    We've been through NOIR and finally got reaffirmed, but in their letters, they only focused on the bona fide, but nothing related to the sponsorship, knowing that at my previous interview in 2012, the CO stated that the insufficiency of my wife's income is the primary cause of denial. Now, my wife has made enough $ in 2012 (about $40,000.00 but half of that comes from her IRA Individual Retirement Account, and the other half comes from her job) but in 2011 she made roughly $14,000.00 and $ 6,000.00 in 2010.

    - Does it always matter that she didn't make enough in 2011 & 2010 ?

    - Do the consulate accept the money from the IRA?

    We found a co-sponsor, he got retired last year but has made over $90,000.00 in 2012,2011,2010. Currently he gets his retirement income & social security income.

    - Does the consulate accept his current income?

    - Does the consulate take into consideration the annual income he made in the last three years?

    - Should the co-sponsor's i-864 & its supporting documents be taken to the interview or be submitted to the uscis?

    I'm desperate for answers, my interview is in 20 days!

    Thank you so much

  8. My wife didn't make enough in 2009,2010,2011 so i got denied last year and went through AP and NOIR, but we found a relative who wants to be our co-sponsor, he got retired last year, he has made around $90,000.00 in 2012, 2011 , 2010, but now in 2013 he is retired. Can he use his retirement income or social security income for i-864? does the consulate consider his last 3 years of income ? he has assets too, should the applicant show evidences of the co-sponsor's assets at the day of visa interview?


  9. Hello, this is urgent because my interview is on Aug 14, 2013, and we're confused with the financial part of the process, the i-864,etc.

    My wife was allowed to set up her IRA (Individual retirement account) so she can be receiving $1,008.00 each month, she has been receiving that amount since June 2011. She gets income from her job too.

    My question is: Can we combine the money from the IRA to my wife's income from her job for purpose to have a total to help be above 125% of the poverty line?


  10. Hello, reading an article saying that the I-864EZ is the affidavit of support when the petitioner has to use his/her salary only, here's the paragraph : " I-864EZ, for use by petitioners who are sponsoring only one person on the Form I-130 petition and using only a salary or pension as income (no assets and so forth), with that income shown on one or more Forms W-2 provided by an employer(s) or former employer(s)."

    I'm the only person that my wife is sponsoring, and she has no assets but she has salary, and we are IR-1 which initially was CR-1 as we had been married more than 2 years, knowing that we had submitted the I-864 last year but i got denied then > AP > NOIR > reaffirmation, and now a new interview scheduled for me next month. Do we have to go for I-864 or I-864EZ?

  11. what to do now, prior to interview?

    1. get a new medical exam 15 to 20 days prior to the next interview.

    2. prep a new I-864, using the new 9 page document, and 3 years of tax info (2012, 2011, 2010) and current annual income proof for 2013.

    3. get a new police clearance certificate, either nowish or 15 to 30 days prior to the next interview.

    Thanks, im getting the police clearance nowish soonish

  12. Prepare for your next interview by knowing as much as possible about each other. Take recent emails, chat logs and phone records. If you have visited each other sense you were reaffirmed take proof of that and pictures from your visit.

    Thank you so much. Initially, i was rejected last year Sept 2012 by the CO who said that my wife didn't make enough income the last 3 years 2011,2010,2009, but when they sent back the petition, they USCIS notified us of the NOIR claiming we are scammers, but we sent them evidences, and the USCIS reaffirmed the case, it took a whole year for the process, i thought it was just an administrative processing, now, im preparing more than anybody can imagine. thanks

  13. BTW, Sorry for angry responses. I just don't like for people to say I am generalizing. I am simply explaining MY story and about the majority of other stories I have heard about. I spent extensive time in the MENA region and I think I know a thing or two. THE FACT REMAINS NOBODY ON HERE CAN SAY THAT THEIR HUSBAND WOULD ADOPT THEIR BACKGROUND THE WAY YOU HAVE ADAPTED TO HIS.

    I agree, but these US women's husbands from MENA, once they go to America, they adopt to the US culture, i don't mean they celebrate thanksgiving or watch super bowl's commercials, they just go with the flow of life there, and they don't convert to their wives' religions, regardless if they practice islam or just are being muslims at heart.

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