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About kelnjohn

  • Birthday 03/31/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Him: Skateboarding, Guitar (albeit a novice Guitar player) For the sake of my wallet, and saving for our relocation, I am officially socially castrated. So spending as much family time as we can, doing whatever floats the proverbial boat.

    Her: Writing childrens books, finally using that gym membership that Ive been donating money to for the last 12months, in efforts to get fit, spending time with loved ones.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Country
    New Zealand
  • Our Story
    We met through a forum online in September 2006, we immediately clicked, and so began our onslaught of exchanges via email / phone / messengers etc. Progress forward to January 2008, we decided it was high time we met, "I" the USC decided to take the leap and travel across that great divide to NZ. We knew immediately that we never wanted to be apart again, and decided to file for NZ Residency. Extended work visa out 3 / 6 / 9 mths, then applied for a work visa, and subsequently residency. Was approved in 2010. We married September 22nd of that year in Auckland NZ. Took a trip to the U.S (much delayed honey moon of sorts) September 11th 2011, 3 weeks of awesomeness. Upon our return we both knew America was the place for us, return to current date where we have sent off our petition to Chicago, and we now sit and wait. With as much patience as a kid at christmas might I add. If anyone is keen to share this journey, be it for support, advice or just to reach out to someone else going through this, feel free to drop me / us a line. Goodluck & Success to all.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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