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T Town Hombre

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    United States

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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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  1. Boiler I know. I've thought about this a lot. It took us 10 years to get my wife here because we had a "non Bonafide" relationship; in relationship 12 years and married for 10. But she's here thank God and been here 17 months now and were living the dream with a lot of bumps along the way. It just seems to me that the American government prefers people to come here illegally rather than the legal way. Her child just wanted to come and personally verify that things are good for her mother. I'm sure she hears about the bumps more than the good and if it was my parent, I would want to verify myself. It just seems to me that legitimate people get the shaft from the American government. But the good book says, "in this world you will have tribulation." It's the truth my friends. Happy with my lovely wife here.
  2. Well, they didn't get a visa. The reason I'm told is because neither one of them have a college education. I don't think that is a requirement. I'm assuming the interviewer thought they were at risk of disappearing in America.
  3. I want to thank everyone for their replies. I put all the info into an email in both English and Chinese and sent it to my step-daughter. Her interview is about a week away.
  4. I did misunderstand Redro. I have asked questions in the past and there are people who ask you questions that really have nothing to do with the question you are asking. I'm sure it is pertinent info but not what I asked. In my mind, right or wrong, fell into that category for me. Everyone has been helpful in spite of me misunderstanding. My apology and thanks for the info.
  5. I'm still interested in the kinds of questions they might ask during the interview. They just want to be prepared.
  6. Redro. They are coming to visit their mother, my wife. They will also visit their other family members living in the US. I've know them 11 years and my plans are to live my life. Now their plans are to visit family and see America then go back home. Salish Sea. They have good ties to go back. Their stay? Don't know but it won't go beyond the visa.
  7. They are coming to visit their mother, my wife. They will also visit their other family members living in the US. I've know them 11 years and my plans are to live my life. Now their plans are to visit family and see America then go back home.
  8. My wife has been here a little more than a year now and her daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter are getting ready for their interview at the American Consulate in Guangzhou. They are asking me for preparation questions so that they can practice before the interview. I've looked almost everywhere and haven't found any. Anybody have a clue where to look or what they might ask?
  9. Yes she has her green card. Thank both of you for answering.
  10. I've always heard that when a person comes to the US that they needs to stay in the US for 2 years. If they go before that the US doesn't have to let them back in. Well, my wife has been here almost 10 months and she may have to go back for a few weeks. Her mother's health is deteriorating significantly, and my wife fears the worst and I have to say I agree with her. As they were talking this morning, I thought what if???? What do we do? I searched USCIS to see but didn't find any help. Maybe I searched the wrong place but I don't know. What should one do to ensure they are able to get back into America due to a death in the family?
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