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Everything posted by highHopes

  1. @dnhk it seems you just were not fully prepared in my opinion not to mention based on some of your responses, seems your english is still not fully polished as well these with accumulation of a lot of "I don't remember" and your mere presence in the United States was to study meaning improve polish your english since that is the native language may have just irritated the officer. Remember many times when these officers are just not having a good day their easy out is recommend you withdraw and if you agree that is one less file they will worry about. My biggest issue are certain key information you do not remember, as an immigrant and i believe many people on here will agree with me are we depend on accurate dates and information memorized whiles still at the mercy of greencards that is no brainer. You may want to do some more due diligence in understanding ur entire history and dates. I know you are seeking legal assistance, but an attorney will not answer some of these questions for you, so even retaining one with you not prepared or not knowing basic simple question will lead you to the same path. I recommend listening to some of the members, getting your A file and going through your entire history from when you applied for F1 all the way down to current. You actually are lucky they asked basic simple questions, many have been asked much more headscratching questions. Best of Luck
  2. Unfortunately I do not have an decision as of today, I did receive an RFE in February for records regarding misdemeanor that was expunged. Unfortunately since case was back in 2008 and in a different state had to fly out there get records retrieve from archive but couldn't get everything they were seeking ( wanted minutes, police report, charge, etc) got certified copies of all what court had and I recently mailed it to USCIS May 3rd which they acknowledged they received information. Current time is now 3 months in my account. I definitely will update everyone on here if and when I do get a decision. Thanks
  3. Sorry haven't been on here for a while been busy with work etc but notice the tag from @Mike E, I am not sure how similar our cases are but for mine the issue I encountered at my N400 was due to me having a criminal record from 2008. Again seems everyone's case is different so can't say yours will work out similar as mine were I did not have any issues during my residency switch from F1. Good luck.
  4. Afternoon, trying to get some opinions, I had interviewed in January of 2022 I applied June 1st 2021. Today I just received NOA to appear January 18th 2023. Has anyone experienced this? Do I need to restudy for the N400 questions even though I had passed earlier in the year? I do have an attorney on record but I am awaiting his call to ask, am just kind of confused and nervous. Thanks
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