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Posts posted by dare448

  1. I have been reading this forum everyday now and I find it very informational and helpful. Thank you all so much for all the comments, suggestions, etc. Y'all have been a great help.

    Here's our story. My husband and I met in May 2006 for the first time while he was touring with his college choir in the US. At that time, one of their stops was Los Angeles and my family happened to be assigned to host a member or two from the group during their LA stay. I was luckily his host sister. I was only 18 then, he was 22.

    After their world tour, he came back to the Philippines and in November 2011, he came back to the US (San Francisco)on a tourist visa. February 2008, he contacted me via email to tell me that he was moving down to LA and that he wanted to see me. We hung out a lot and fell in love with each other. April 2008, we became officially boyfriends. He never left the US 'til then.

    On our 3rd anniversary we became engaged but I didn't wanna get married yet. I felt we were both young and financially unstable then so we waited a bit for me to get a job and save up for our wedding. August last year, I found a job. We didn't get married still because I thought that instead of spending my first salary for our wedding, my first instinct was to apply for US Citizenship ($700 is just too damn expensive) so I can petition him to stay with me permanently. Also, we thought that it would be better for me to stay single while my application is processing to avoid delays and confusion (from single when I applied to married when I got approved). I did my Naturalization Oath Ceremony in February this year and last March 31, we got married.

    Now, we are just waiting for my dad to give us the completed I-864 before we file everything (I-130 and I-485).

    My question is this: Is it a red flag that we only got married a little over a month after I became a USC and after 3 months, I'm applying to petition my husband? My paralegal friend said that this question might be thrown to us during the interview and that we need to give them a very convincing answer for them not to think that my lovely husband married me only for green card.

    Any comment is greatly appreciated.

    Sorry, he came here November 2007 and not 2011. My mistake.

  2. I have been reading this forum everyday now and I find it very informational and helpful. Thank you all so much for all the comments, suggestions, etc. Y'all have been a great help.

    Here's our story. My husband and I met in May 2006 for the first time while he was touring with his college choir in the US. At that time, one of their stops was Los Angeles and my family happened to be assigned to host a member or two from the group during their LA stay. I was luckily his host sister. I was only 18 then, he was 22.

    After their world tour, he came back to the Philippines and in November 2011, he came back to the US (San Francisco)on a tourist visa. February 2008, he contacted me via email to tell me that he was moving down to LA and that he wanted to see me. We hung out a lot and fell in love with each other. April 2008, we became officially boyfriends. He never left the US 'til then.

    On our 3rd anniversary we became engaged but I didn't wanna get married yet. I felt we were both young and financially unstable then so we waited a bit for me to get a job and save up for our wedding. August last year, I found a job. We didn't get married still because I thought that instead of spending my first salary for our wedding, my first instinct was to apply for US Citizenship ($700 is just too damn expensive) so I can petition him to stay with me permanently. Also, we thought that it would be better for me to stay single while my application is processing to avoid delays and confusion (from single when I applied to married when I got approved). I did my Naturalization Oath Ceremony in February this year and last March 31, we got married.

    Now, we are just waiting for my dad to give us the completed I-864 before we file everything (I-130 and I-485).

    My question is this: Is it a red flag that we only got married a little over a month after I became a USC and after 3 months, I'm applying to petition my husband? My paralegal friend said that this question might be thrown to us during the interview and that we need to give them a very convincing answer for them not to think that my lovely husband married me only for green card.

    Any comment is greatly appreciated.

  3. Did you try looking on your naturalization certificate? it should be on there.

    You also need to include the number of your naturalization certificate and a copy of it with the petition.

    I do have my certificate of naturalization and will submit a copy of it but I wasn't sure if the number on this is the same as my Alien Registration # on my green card.

    If it's the same number, then I guess I have no problem then. Sorry for the ignorant question as my husband and I doesn't have any legal advice.

    If you're a citizen your A# no longer applies. It would be relevant if you were still a LPR. Your application is based on your being a US citizen.

    So if my A# doesn't apply anymore, should I just put N/A on the A# box?

  4. Hello All!

    I came to the US as a green card holder when I was 14 and finally got my citizenship this year. At the moment, I am completing the I-130 petition for my lovely husband. The I-130, I-485 and G-325A forms are asking for my Alien Registration Number. I know this could be found on my green card but I have spent days already looking for it but no luck. I must've misplaced it when I moved in with him.

    Could anyone tell me if A# is really important to put even though I'm already a citizen?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  5. 1. Yes. If she is the sponsor, she needs to fill out the I-864 regardless of any other joint sponsor.

    2. Her dad is a joint sponsor as are all others as this is the proper term.

    3. Her dad needs to fill out the I-864 since he does not live with either of you. (One fills out the I-864a if the joint sponsor is a household member only).

    4. Her dad's minimum income needs to be $33,762 per year...This is providing he lives in the continental US and is not active military. Does his wife work? Do they file jointly or separately?

    According to the I-864, part 5, question 21, The sponsor enters one from line 10 who is the person being sponsored, in this case you.

    a. you

    Then is asks for those Persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit:

    b. the sponsor

    c. his wife

    d. his two kids

    That totals to be five.

    Look on the poverty income guidelines for 2012... http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/86991.pdf

    You will see that he or the total household income needs to be at least $33,762 annually.

    If there are other incomes in the same household and was not included on his ITR then they can include the I-864a to add to the total household income.

    Thank you so much for your response. As per dad's income, it's $40K+ (filed jointly with wife but only dad has income) so I guess we are fine.

    Sorry but I have a couple more questions:

    1. My father-in-law is also a US Citizen. Does he need to attach proof of citizenship along with the I-864 form?

    2. Is it okay for my wife to fill-out I-864EZ instead of I-864?

    Really appreciate your help. Thanks.

  6. As stated on my previous post, my wife (USC) and I got married last March and are just waiting for her US Passport so we can submit the I-130 (together with I-485 and I-765) application.

    But apart from that, we do have questions regarding I-864. Just to give a background, my wife who's only 23 y/o (I'm 27) just started working August last year. She filed her taxes but since we were not married yet at the time she applied, she was not able to able to declare me as her dependent.

    Since I-864 is requiring at least 3 years of taxes, she did not meet the requirements (she does have a letter of employment from her employer and pay slips) and asked her dad for additional support. Her dad does not live with us. Her dad has 3 more dependents living with him (wife and 2 sons).

    Below are my questions:

    1. Eventhough my wife has only filed her taxes for 2011, does she still need to fill out I-864?

    1. Is her dad considered a joint sponsor or co-sponsor?

    2. What form does her dad need to fill-out? I-864 or I-864A?

    3. What would be her dad's minimum income to meet the requirements to sponsor me?

    Sorry for all these questions as we don't have any legal advise. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  7. Welcome to VJ!

    Your list looks pretty complete.

    For the I-130 packet, I would only suggest adding joint insurance policies (auto/medical/life). What you listed is great, but I would just add another just for good measure. :lol: IMHO, the documents showing pooling of financial resources are the most important. So, the more you have, the stronger your case. Also, include any passport pages with immigration stamps...not only the biographic page.

    There really is no required number of photos. However, it is nice to show photos of both you together...over the course of time. Meaning, not just submitting 50 photos during Christmas 2011. IIRC, we submitted 12-15 photos, with no problems.

    Everything else looks okay to me. Feel free to PM me if you have other questions.

    Good luck with your case! Keep us posted! :thumbs:

    Hello! Thank you so much for your response. As for the insurance policies, we do not have any as my wife's company does not offer any. I do not have a job either but as soon as I find a job (once I-765 gets approved) and hopefully finds one that offers medical insurance, we will get one and bring during the interview.

    Now that you mentioned about the previous immigration stamps, I will also include those. Again, thanks very much.

  8. Hi All!

    My wife (USC) and I got married almost 3 months ago after 4 years of being together and now, are just waiting for her US Passport to arrive in the mail to submit the I-130, I-485 and I-765 applications.

    Below are the documents we have prepared for each application. We would really appreciate if anyone could help us check if there are anything else missing:

    FOLDER 1: I-130

    • Cover Letter
    • Completed form G-1145
    • Check worth $420
    • Completed I-130 and supporting documents:

    1. Copy of wife's Cert. of Naturalization
    2. Copy of wife's US Passport (still waiting)
    3. Copy of husband's birth certificate
    4. Copy of husband's passport (biographical page) and I-94 (front and back)
    5. Copy of marriage license and certificate
    6. Completed G325A (wife)
    7. 2 Colored Passport-size photos (wife)
    8. Completed G325A (husband)
    9. 2 Colored Passport-size photos (husband)
    10. Copy of Apartment Lease
    11. US Bank Joint Account with transaction record
    12. Copy of AT&T Bill showing both names
    13. Collage of photos with family and friends (how many do we need to include?)

    FOLDER 2: I-485

    • Cover Letter
    • Completed form G-1145
    • Check worth $985 for I-485 and I-765
    • Check worth $85 for biometrics
    • Completed I-485 and supporting documents:

    1. Copy of husband's passport (biographical page) and I-94 (front and back)
    2. Copy of husband's birth certificate
    3. Copy of marriage license and certificate
    4. Completed G325A (husband)
    5. 2 Colored Passport-size photos (husband)
    6. Sealed Envelope from USCIS doctor for I-693

    FOLDER 3: I-765

    • Cover Letter
    • Completed form G-1145
    • Completed I-765 and supporting documents:

    1. Copy of husband's passport (biographical page) and I-94 (front and back)
    2. Copy of husband's birth certificate
    3. 2 Colored Passport-size photos (husband)

    FOLDER 4: I-864 (Affidavit of Support) We do have a few questions about this one but I don't if we should post them here. Please us know if we can

    We would really appreciate if you will help us. Thanks in advance.

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