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  • Gender
  • City
    NorthWest Arkansas
  • Interests
    Movies, music, reading, outdoor activities, and exercising.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Met on Dec. 2, 2011 and got engaged on Dec. 10, 2011.

    My trip to Laos last November was literally a life changing one. I went with my mom and a sister-in-law with expectations to see the country that I was born in, and left when I was only an infant. I never expected to find love, let alone, get engaged! My siblings and friends jokingly warned me not to get married to a guy from Laos. Well, from the moment I got off the plane in Vientiane, I was approached by all sorts of bachelors (since it was during the Hmong new year celebrations). I'll admit, I was very flattered to get all the attention. I played it off mostly because I flat out said "I wasn't there to marry anyone--I wanted to see the sights and hear the sounds, taste Laos!" I was a bit standoffish with the toilets, and in some areas, the beds weren't anything that I could lay down on, however, I silently counted my blessings and reminded myself to be thankful.

    I met my fiance at a small Phonsavan new year celebration, not the big one. It was located right across from the guesthouse that we were staying at. It was a sunny, warm Friday afternoon. We had just returned from shopping at the hmong stores. I bought a new traditional Hmong outfit so my mama told me to put it on and go toss balls with the guys. LOL. We walked around for a bit and that's when I noticed my fiance. As I was standing next to my mama, he walked by with his buddy, arm linked around his friend's. I thought..."Ummm, okay, whatever floats your boat guys." LOL Anyways, I noticed him because he was handsome. I mean I met other handsome guys before him but I don't know..for some reason, he just caught my attention. Next minute, I realized that both of them were standing in front of me, trying to get my name and background info. I smiled and exchanged pleasant conversations with both of them. Now, I knew his buddy was really interested in me more than he was or at least I thought that was the case because his friend was much more talkative. Later on, he confessed that he really liked me from the get go. Since both of them were competing for my attention, he said that he was strategizing in his head how to win my heart hence that was the reason why he didn't say very much during our initial encounter.

    Long story short, I was bored and wanted someone to accompany me during our sightseeing excursions through Laos so I invited my fiance to come along. With the time spent together, I got to know him in such great depth, and I fell in love--unexpectedly. We talked about getting engaged and marriage. I discussed with my mom and got my parents blessings. We did our traditional Hmong engagement/marriage ceremony on December 10th. I knew that it was going to be an excruciating mental and emotional journey with the paperwork and distance but I had found love, despite being separated by oceans and countries, I knew that our love and devotion would give me the strength that I need to persevere through it all with him. :-D

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  1. Congratulation..soo happy for both of u

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