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del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Shane-Debby in Is filipinafianceevisa.com a scam or legit site?
Okay then. I can see how they'll be very helpful to you.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Rosemichelle in Printing Out Rebtel Call History Pages
I like hearing first hand experience from successful Lagos applicants.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from CJO032418 in cr1. visa denied
My friend, your USC person needs to be driving this and will be tedious for you to do from Nigeria. You are already days behind. As an example before my Fiancee got back to Ibadan from Lagos (4 hours or so) ALL my Congresspersons office already knew who I was. Because I was proactive (took the day off) called, filled out, faxed back and called back to make sure that they got the fax of the release note.
In any case it led to nowhere becasue my Congress person had no real immigration bite at least at that time, others have been lucky with their Congressperson though. Reason I bring this up is that you should have a back up plan and that just notifying your Congressperson doesn't mean that they'll be able to help you.
http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/ plug in your zipcode here. Their website will have the document to fill out and you can fax even if they are not open yet.
Good luck. "Eni Ti Oba Yara, Ni Ogun Ngbe" and "Omo Ti Oba Gapa, Ni Obi Re Ngbe".
PS: According to a ConOff, the post doesn't really care about Congressperson. It's said that it slows the process down for others and just shows that their Congressperson is working for their constituents but nothing really happens because they got contacted by them. This may just be a Lagos thing though.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Lee_lee in Does status "Issued" in CEAC means my visa is already for dispatched?
According to CEAC
"Your visa has been printed. Depending on local procedures at the location where you were interviewed, your visa will be mailed or available for pickup soon. If there are further questions, or if we need updated contact information, you will be contacted."
Issued means visa has been printed.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Apple Bee in Lies and deception. Be aware, please!
Sorry that this happened to you.
In life there are no guarantees.
My Ex is a pathological liar, caniver, deceptioon artist, child/parent alienator and also an American. I say this to show that these things happen also with USC to USC marriages.
One thing I will also add is that you did not loose a Daughter. She will turn 18 one day and you can then reignite your relationship without any distraction.
You can make more money, buy more huses, properties, etc .
I know this is a clique but do not get hung up on her or the system that enables people like her. Move on. Success is the best revenge.
I feel for you Brother.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from QueenComley in i am 40 years older than my finance
I just watched two Guys hold hands walking down the street in downtown Pasadena during lunch. Completely acceptable and nobody batted an eyelid. I only noticed because they asked me for directions to a store.
In Nigeria, the minimum sentence for their action is 14 years in jail in the Southern states and death penalty by stoning in the Northern states that practice Sharia law, that is if they are lucky and escape the public jungle justice.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from MattBo in alcoholic ex holding up I-130 for my wife and step child.
Meanwhile, you've now publicly painted the real Father of the child to the world as an alcoholic. Hopefully she never sees this thread as I am sure that she'll be devastated.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from htfaust in PSA: Marijuana Is Still Illegal In The USA
I wanted to put this out there due to the recent rash of denials due to medical tests comming back as positive during pre immigration medical examinations. Most denied folks seemed alarmed to this denial and I am sure it's due to lack of preparation and research on this gruesome process.
First, not sure if it's unknown since we have a rather unique style of government in the US. States can make certain laws but state laws can never override federal laws. So some certain stataes such as Washington states did pass laws making marijuana legal but this never trumps federal laws. So while you may be able to light up in front of a local police officer safely but doing so in front of a federal police officer may result in an arrest.
Second, it doesn't matter if the state that you're moving to legalized marijuana. You're asking for a federal immigration benefit and not a state one. So you have to comply with federal laws.
Third, it seems that second hand marijuana smoke causes a positive test. So for the sake of all that is holy do not be around those that smoke since it will lead to a denial of your visa with a ban.
Fourth, if you do smoke, you can go get tested first to see if it will come back positive before you submit yourself to the official medical test, maybe there are home tests?. During the official test I think you will be asked if you have ever smoked marijuana. Answering yes seems to be leading to a denial with an automatic one year ban which used to be a 3 year ban. How you answer is critical since lying may lead to a lifetime ban due to misrepresentation. I am happy that I do not have this predicament but you need to be prepared for this. A member suggested answering the Physician "I do not remember if I have ever smoked marijuana, let's do the test to find out". Not sure how this would play out, really not sure.
This Visa Journey is so fraught with seemingly uncontrollable pitfalls much also that I think applicants should really try to edge the bet towards themselves by doing tedious research.
Please do not misunderstand me, while I do not smoke but I am morally flexible to understand benefits to those that may do. It's just that this is a costly process and then to compound it with another year of a ban with costly medical tests during the 1 year ban seems idiotic when it can be easily avoided.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Forever123 in K1 visa DENIED - Public Charge - pretty outraged.
Stop confusing genuine concern about lack of adequate direction of a process with tantrum, perhaps it describes your position but not mine.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from alebrije in Marriage Fraud Question
Bless your heat Guvnor.
OP came accross as a vindictive ex.
Do obese 50 plus year old USC Women deserve no love or being married to alleged adonisque Russians?
To answer OPs question, he will get scrutinized surely and deservingly but he should sail through if he's in a solid relationship now.
Please move on. You've divorced him, reported him. Done deal.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from sweetgal8 in Will Fiance' able to work on K-1 visa?
Could also be that the person hates being at home and unoccupied. Some people actually like to be productive.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Sabrina_T in Will Fiance' able to work on K-1 visa?
Could also be that the person hates being at home and unoccupied. Some people actually like to be productive.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Kaylara in USCIS requested my petition be returned by NVC
I suspect that I may regret asking this but where are you getting this notion that a visa is reserved for you?
Numerous seasoned VJers have advised you but you still insist on sitting on this false understanding.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from nitanobis in Denied visitor visa - considering K-1 (Nigeria)
And you and I have also been on those "I came in on a K1 and my boyfriend doesn't want to marry me" threads.
So the poor immigrant gave up everything, job, homes, family, etc to come here and then whamo USC boyfriend or girlfriend changes his mind for whatever reason or used the K1 as a "go for a test drive" visa.
With a K1 the immigrant has to go back home empty handed with nothing to show for it. Frankly I am not sure where my head was when I filed for a K1 but then I was sure that I was going to marry my Wife though. With a CR1 it forces the USC to be sure of the relationship (as we know the I-134 is not worth the paper it's written on), and the immigrant to be secured that she's not giving up everything without any US benefit.
The reason I am a little bit more conversant on this than most threads is that I am getting sick and tired of all the Nigeria is this horrid country full of scammer and insane COs. How about USC also stepping up to bat and not doing stuff like planning to marry someone they haven't even met face to face before.
I know that in some instances a K1 may be ideal for whatever reason but guess what I think it is ideal for me to drive at 100mph too. If they decide to cancel K1 theres still CR1 there and actually IR1 just with a years wait with even more benefits.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from pddp in I dont get along with my stepdad and he threatened to send us back to the Philippines (newbie here) :)
1) Sir, please move out already. You're 22 and working. Provide a safe place for your Mum and Sister.
2) Not for the OP but a pet peeve of mine. People, please participate in the immigration process with your parents as much as you can. Be involved in the process, get to know your new step parent, vet him properly. You should have a st of different requirements than your parents and make sure as much as you can that there is a compatibility there.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Kaylara in My K1 Visa filipina wife left me and is cheating on me..
OP, you're in the begining stages of stalking. You need to stop before you allow yourself to get goaded into stupid stuff.
Get a divorce, notify USCIS and proceed to move on with your life. Gowon has learned in his time (I'm old enough to almost be your Dad) that you can't keep someone that doesn't want to be with you. You have no properties or kids together so it's as clean as a break that you can get adn she moved out on her own without you having to get all messy like.
You're not going to get her deported and it's not your job, you're going to notify the USCIS and you're going to move on. I read your bio page and saw how you met and your activities you did when you first met, those, IMHO, were all wrong.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Darnell in Immigration Lawyer speeds up Process
Perhaps because this is primarily a DIY site.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Darnell in Husband Quit Being Affectionate & Left [split topic]
I didn't want to touch that unfortunate misconception at first but I'm glad that you brought it up.
As you eloquently pointed out, the first proof that Nigerians are indeed affectionate is right there in OPs thread title. "Husband Quit Being Affectionate" which means he was affectionate at some point and he's a Nigerian.
Many of us just didn't just travel to Nigeria for 2 weeks vacations, we were born there and grew up there. I grew up watching my grandfather, father, brothers, uncles, friends, etc being completely affectionate with their spouses. Do they tongue kiss while waiting in line like a teenybopper? No but you can still be affectionate with class.
For those in relationships where there is no affection please don't blame it on our wonderful culture, instead look within your relationships and try to gauge your compatibility with your significant other. Is there a reason why he's not affectionate, is it perhaps because he's not that into you, embarrassed of you in public, etc
For Mr. OP, I simply just think that he arrived and actually saw his worth increase in the ladies department. He saw that he can get more or thinks so anyways. It's the same way we have what is called 'trophy wife" syndrome. I'm not excusing his behavior.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from yailukmuu in Has my marriage been ruined by PMS (or rather by my inability to deal with it?)
Throes of passion my friend, throes of passion.
The more time I spend on VJ the more I see things from the viewpoint of a CO and their sometimes intrusive line of questioning.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Kaylara in Husband asked me to leave
That's what OP is trying to find out and why he is seeking the assistance of the forum. If you can't help him then at least stay out of his way.
The issue that I've seen is that some USC, not saying the alleged abuser in this case is, are caught in a situation they can't control and then they yell scam.
I completely understand when an immigrant wants to pursue staying in the USA after a failed relationship, it makes sense. They've given up everything at home to come here, what's there to return to? We are quick on here to say that K1 is not a get to know your fiance better visa, so why do USC quick to want to send the immigrants home? USCIS/DOS is also culpable, the USC the immigrant knows on vacation is not usually the same person you live with day in day out in the USA with all our modern issues of living. I think some of the ones getting upset about my stance are those who want to use the K1 as a test run visa. That option should be removed from the table. USC should go into the marriage knowing the full repercussion of bringing a foreigner here.
I understand. I think some folks may have low self esteem and can only woo someone from the villages or province. They don't understand that some of the immigrants are actually living comfortable lives, K1 visas are not just for people living in a dirt floor,some immigrants who use it are Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, Teachers, etc It's not fair to ask a therapist, that gave up a thriving practise to move to the US, to go back and start all over in the home country. Some can and will, but they should never be forced to return just because the USC had a change of heart.
If immigrants study the different visa types they should never agree to a K1. It leaves them completely exposed. A CR1 protects them.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from You&Me in Husband asked me to leave
An astute option.
But how many posts have you ever read that starts out saying "Help, my marriage ended and I need to know how to set up my Ex WIfes old dental practise in Ogbomosho?"
What we normally hear from USC is "Help, I need to deport my scamming Ex Wife back to her thatched hut".
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Luthien in My K1 Visa filipina wife left me and is cheating on me..
Please don't hedge the OP on. He's already tethering on the edge of stalking and he doesn't wnat to add a violent confrontation to this debacle.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Luthien in My K1 Visa filipina wife left me and is cheating on me..
OP, you're in the begining stages of stalking. You need to stop before you allow yourself to get goaded into stupid stuff.
Get a divorce, notify USCIS and proceed to move on with your life. Gowon has learned in his time (I'm old enough to almost be your Dad) that you can't keep someone that doesn't want to be with you. You have no properties or kids together so it's as clean as a break that you can get adn she moved out on her own without you having to get all messy like.
You're not going to get her deported and it's not your job, you're going to notify the USCIS and you're going to move on. I read your bio page and saw how you met and your activities you did when you first met, those, IMHO, were all wrong.
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from Cathi in Has my marriage been ruined by PMS (or rather by my inability to deal with it?)
This is why I primarily hang out in effects. It gives another point of view.
Does he know the level of your commitment to, oh nothing, just the marriage vows?
del-2-5-2014 got a reaction from TBoneTX in I am still shaking and scared!!!! IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa
If I were you I would do everything in my power to be there on the day of the interview as it will be a major morale booster especially after a previoius denial.
In addition, arrive a day or two previous to teh interview date adn practise answers. Your Husband has to be an expert on you. It's justthat simple and shouldn't be difficult at this stage.
One last thing, it's his interview so he needs to be prepared and from leaving the hotel (or whereever you stay in Lagos) he has to be in charge and carrying all of the documents on him.
Good luck. I personally think that you have an approval in front of you since you have demonstrated tenacity.