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Ben and Che

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About Ben and Che

  • Birthday 07/08/1990

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center

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  1. can i ask this Question,,,,, im planning to go in my province next day, at the same time im waiting for my VISA to deliver.. is it fine that only my sister will going to receive my VISA??? im going to leave my POSTAL ID to her.... what do you think this idea guys....? is anyone have this kind of situation??

    1. caelo


      Yes, you may. My sister had her US visa delivered to our house before and it came while she was at work. She left a letter authorizing our Dad to receive it. She also left a valid ID (any govt issued ID) of hers with the letter. The delivery people acknowledged that and after Dad presented a valid ID of his, they left the passport/visa with him.

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