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Ben and Che

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About Ben and Che

  • Birthday 07/08/1990

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center

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  1. hello everyone here..... hope everyone is getting a good news... :)

    1. caelo


      Hi! Congrats on the NOA2! You were able to set an interview schedule so I suppose you were able to get your case number from the NVC. Don't worry about the confirmation letter; NVC sent mine to USEM on 5/15 and I received the letter from USEM on 5/30. You'll get yours soon, I'm sure.

    2. caelo


      Among other things, that 1-page letter just tells us how to set an interview schedule and it gives us the link where to go so that we can download the requirements that we have to prepare for the interview. Go to this link on the US Embassy website (K1/K2 Interview Preparation Instructions) and print so that you have a guide on what to do and the things that we need. http://manila.usembassy.gov/wwwh3224.html

    3. Ben and Che

      Ben and Che

      yeah thank you very much...i ready have my schedule this July 2,,,,i just estimate the time even i dont have yet the confirmation latter,,, and im going to manila soon...

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