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About LBB918

  • Birthday 01/05/1985

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Speech Pathology, Children, Education, Language, listening to music, photography, Watching movies in my jammies while eating apples... Im kind of boring lol

Immigration Info

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  • Our Story
    Muhamet and I met on March 16th 2010. We just kind of hit it off, it was easy. We did not speak the same language (very well) so I had no idea what he was talking about when he said "Shume te Dua".. after we had been talking for about a month. He was like just say it. I said it and looked it up because it rhymed with "I love you". I was so happy. Our relationship has just been easy, he was here waiting on his case and I was a speech pathology student with my own little "how to communicate" case... I had the time of my life just having a normal life. He did little things like mow my yard in my pink pajama pants (to save his jeans) just because he saw that it needed to be done. He took up learning to cook and made me the most amazing jalapenio pizzas... It did not matter if he was at home in NY or visiting his family/friends here, if I needed anything or just a friend he was there. He came and suprised me on my birthday in 2011 and proposed at Starbucks over peppermint lattes. I said yes but told him to get me a ring for my graduation present because I have to finish school. He taught me the word for forever- pergjithmone.
    He lost his BIA asylum Appeal on April 28, 2012. And I am here... fighting the clock looking for anwsers on how to work this out. I am not ready to lose my best friend and I will fight for him until there is no hope. Shume te dua Zemer.

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