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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Baltimore MD
  • Country
    Sierra Leone
  • Our Story
    I met my lovely husband 20 years ago in sierra leone we dated for a year and a half before I came to america as a refugee. I found out i was 4 months pregnant after i arrived. Due to wars in our countries i was unable to go back to see my now husband so after being apart for a while, we were seperated unfortunately we both went our seperate ways even though we kept in touch and still loved each other. By seperate ways i mean other relationships he got marry and had 2 kids I dated someone and had a kid myself our love was stronger than all of that the promise we made 20 years ago was going to stick if we had anything to do with it "Till death do us part" we did not know at the time that this will come to pass we just said it because we loved each other so much and as young kids we hoped for a lot but was not sure how it will play out. God almighty has plans for everyone and he sees the heart and knows our desires. To make a long story short my husband and I planned to get marry as soon as his marriage was over and when it did in 2010 i planned my trip to go and marry my first love the first man who showed me life. We got marry on January 3, 2012 and I love him more now than when we first dated. He is from SL and im from Lib. We got marry in Liberia I could not wait to get back to the states to file his papers I cannot stay away from this man any longer. But my biggest dream is for our 20 years old son to meet his father, as you read in begining I was pregnant when I came to the US and my son has never met his father in person. I pray that this process will be a speedy one because i cannot wait to start my new life. I leave this in the hands of the almight. Thank you Lord for answered prayers!!

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