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Posts posted by GabeandKatya

  1. When she flies to you, she will have to add the new address on her I-94 form while entering the US. IF the CBP officer asks (no need to clarify if they don't) she should let them know that you have moved and that the new address is the one on the I-94. Make sure she has your phone number handy just in case they want to call you to confirm this information.

    Later on, after you marry and you file for AOS, you can use the new address on all the new forms she'll have to fill out.

    No big deal.

    Thanks for the quick reply. :)

    So basically she just has to make sure to put the new address on her I-94, but aside from that we don't need to worry about any change of address forms? I think I can handle that. :thumbs:

  2. Hello all,

    I'm trying to determine whether my fiancee or I need to file a change of address. I searched through the forums for a while, but I didn't see anything that quite matched.

    She has been approved for a K-1 Visa and will be coming here at the end of November, and I just bought a new home and will be moving in sometime during the next couple of weeks. I looked on the USCIS site and found the online change of address to be filed if you're still waiting on your petition (which we've already been approved), and the I-865 which says it should be filed if you've already filed an I-864 (which I haven't yet). So according to the wording, it would seem that I don't need to file a change of address. Is that correct?

    Also I see there is an AR-11 for the foreign beneficiary to fill out for a change of address, but she hasn't moved here yet. By the time she does, we'll be at the new address.

    So basically my question is: Should either of us fill out a change of address, or do we not need to since we're between visa and marriage?

    Thanks for any help you can give!

  3. Thanks for the replies everyone!

    I'm a little fuzzy on one thing though. You mentioned a permission letter. Are you talking about permission from the other parent for the children to leave the country? In our case, the father ran out as soon as he found out my fiancee was pregnant. From what Katya has told me, he legally has no rights to the girls and legally they have no father. In that case, I'm guessing she'd just need to show whatever document(s) she has showing that she doesn't need permission? Also, I plan to legally adopt the girls once things get settled down a bit, though I haven't looked into how that whole process works yet. Would adopting them make it easier when traveling?

    Thanks again everyone! I appreciate you taking the time to reply. :)

  4. Hellloooooo visa journey forumzers!

    Long time stalker reader, first time poster. :D

    First off, our petition has been approved and my fiancee, Katya, should be going to her interview in Kiev on September 18th. Yay! :thumbs::dance:

    Here's where my questions start... Katya will be coming here hopefully by the end of the year along with her two incredibly adorable twin 2 y/o girls. Once they're here, we'll apply for SSNs, AOS, etc, etc. Once we are married, Katya wants to take my last name, but is worried about being able to later travel. She is worried that with her Ukrainian passport having her current last name, if she takes my last name after we're married there will be a problem. Also, she is afraid there may be problem if she takes the girls back to visit family in the Ukraine and her official last name is different than theirs.

    From what I've read, you can still travel after having your name changed if you bring your marriage certificate and you've been approved for AP and/or have your AOS approved, correct? And what about very young K-2 children? I don't imagine she'd want to take them on another long trip anytime soon, but should the need arise, what would they need for traveling?

    Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. :)

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