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Posts posted by Kesarah

  1. My fiancee (the american in this case) and I are about to start the immigration process in June or July and I just have a few basic questions.

    1.) My main question is based around our age difference I am 23 and he is 34 will this make it harder to be approved or prove that we have a legitimate relationship?

    2.) I have been on 5 trips to see him in the last two years with all of the trips lasting over a month. I only have the travel documents from my first and last trip. Will this be enough? Should I get written statements from his family that I was there for Christmas or other visits?

    3.) If I do get approved and move on to the interview stage what sort of questions should I be prepared to answer?

    4.) He has a daughter that he doesn't see. He doesn't like to talk about it so I don't even know her name. Do I need to start prying this information out of him?

    At the moment this whole process is very overwhelming for me and I just want to get it right so thank you in advance for your help.

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