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About MrsCastro

  • Birthday 05/01/1986

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    My fiance and I actually met on a cruise ship that I was working for at the time. We were having a charter cruise by a children's TV network company and as our jobs would have it, (me being a photographer and him lighting designer) we worked in same functions. This meant that we had to step on each other's toe. There I am trying to get the best images from this event and he keeps blocking my view with his cameraman. I literally bumped him and secured my work area. He apparently stood back in shock/surprise to see who this daring little lady is. We have different stories on who noticed whom at first though - but believe me I did. Even though it's a village of 4 thousand people, we knew when a single person was new on the boat. He talks to me here and there - he's super charming and it makes me feel great! However I just thought his interest in me was circumstantial since we were spending a lot of time at sea and he was away from home. I tried to brush him off in order to save myself a possible heartbreak. I even stood him up once. He didn't give up. Next night after work, there I was in my cabin just done with work at 11 PM, rushing to freshen up and meet him upstairs for a drink. So happy I did, for we had a long conversation to get to know each other and to my surprise, get this strange feeling as if I've known him for a while now. It was amazing! Next night there was a party for the staff and we again had the best time. In that short amount of time, I managed to get jealous when I saw someone else talking to him - another indication! Then he took my photo by the ship's chapel. Now this I should've picked up on... I was beaming in my morning shift - which usually is not the case when you're overworked. We were lucky for he happened to live where my vessel called home that time. So every embarkation day then on, he came to visit without skipping a day. At this point, he visited my country 4 times in total. Met my family and he's become family. We travelled places together and made memories. Now we've been engaged close to a year. We can't wait to start a family together and take it one day at a time on each other's side. I believe there's a reason our paths crossed on a ship of all the places in the world and we won't give up despite the difficulties of visa procedure and all. Good luck everyone.

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