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    S&S4life reacted to slumdog in My CR-1 visa interview is next week I NEED HELP!!!   
    Hello everyone..I am a new member on here though I often come on to read forums for guidelines and you guys have been of great help since the day myself and my wife started my CR-1 visa application..Now I got a problem I have been trying to solve,searched on here and even google but no related topics. My wife is 23 a US citizen and I am 29...We met through a friend,we became friends,lovers and she came down to my country,we got married and we started the CR-1 process. Everything's been going great since and during all stages of the process until lately while awaiting my interview date..She wrote me saying she doesn't think she wants to continue with our marriage and that when I do come over we will have to get divorce and also that I will have to stay at my friend's when there though she'd pick me from the airport(How cruel).I have invested virtually everything I have in this relationship because I truly love her,not only did I invest,my heart,my time(a whole year in anticipation to meet my wife),emotions not to mention tons of money that I send to her to support her when she is broke which I can't be bothered about because I truly loved her. So now I got an interview date, got all the required documents I think need to take with me except her phone record which she has been reluctant about sending,she promised to send tonight though because my interview is next week.Though most of our communications has been via email,chats and voice note plus a little phone calls which use to be lots until she changed and she can only get record for the past 3months.In all we have exchanged over 4000 emails everyday since we met till date but I still think I need the phone record. Our issues have been on going since January and I have tried all my possible best to make us work but she seem to have moved on. Along the line I met this female friend sometimes in February who also lives in the US different state though,we got talking and very close,I told her about my relationship and how terribly hurt I am,she was there and as been for me as a friend,and we found ourselves in love with another and for real.My problems and questions now lies as follows:
    1: Is there a possibilty I get the visa in absence of the phone record/bill? as she can't be predicted
    2: What happens to me after I get the divorce upon my arrival?
    3: Do I still get to stay in US after the divorce is over?
    4. My new girlfriend who is 26 and more matured in reasoning really wants me so much that she wants us to get married after the divorce,can this happen?Because I do love her
    5.I basically just need general advice regards this whole situation..I have done so much for this girl to have me come over there and get deported after everything I have done for her knowing the divorce isnt my decision but hers for no justified reason(s). please help...
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