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Posts posted by claire3

  1. Thank you to everyone for your speedy and helpful responses! :)

    So it looks as if it won't be too optimistic to start planning our wedding date in October, I was worried about setting a date and sending out invites to people in case of a delay in the application process.

    Yes my fiance mentioned about the visa being expedited, however it seems that you can only request it, and there's no guarantee that they will process it faster. If only there was a fee that could be paid to get the process sped up! Oh well, fingers crossed! My fiance will send the initial paperwork off by the end of this week.

    Does anyone know what kind of questions I will be asked at the embassy? Will medical records be required? As I have been to the Dr. several times with depression and worried that will affect the application. Is there anything else that could go against me?

  2. Hello, I am new here :)

    I am a UK citizen who has been engaged to a US citizen for about 2 years now, we have finally decided that now would be the right time to marry and be together permanently (he was in Iraq for a year then I did some traveling myself).

    However I am very worried about how long this visa application process is likely to take, our plan is to get married by October this year and I really don't want to wait any longer than that because I miss him so much when we are apart and we wish to start a family asap within a marriage.

    We are assuming the fiance visa would be the quicker and easier option as opposed to the spouse visa, also the former would enable us to marry in US with his large family present which is what we both want. My guy had always assumed it would be a quick and easy process due to him being in the army reserves and the fact that I am coming from the UK and not a third world country.

    But I am so worried, there is a lot of contradictory information out there. Whilst my guy thinks the whole process will more than likely be complete in less than half a year, other sources say it could take up to 18 months :(:o

    Any advice or information would be much appreciated, thanks in advance :)

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