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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Orlando FL
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We fell in love while just being friends. We don't even remember how we met each other. We think it was through friends or the internet. We didn't start out with dating intentions, so we just cannot remember. We officially began dating (long distance) May 28, 2007. We were engaged by the summer of 2008. We were married July 18, 2009 and began her immigration to Canada. Finally after 3 years of living in the cold Northern Albertan/Saskatchewan Prairies, we decided we needed more sun, so she was offered a job teaching again in Florida (which she used to do). She took the job and now we've applied for my immigration to the US. I think we've made up our minds that we are going to stay in the tropical climate of Florida and visit Canada (to see my family) when we feel like cooling off a little. Or we'll stay inside in our central air.

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