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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Chicago IL
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met after the war in bosnia, when we were little kids i moved away to the u.s he stayed in bosnia. we got in contact about a year and a half ago over facebook and MSN live camm and developed a crush on one another i decided to go visit in may where we totallllyy fell in love with one another we got engaged and in september we filed for a k-1 visa received our approved petition notice at the begining of march now just waiting for the hubby to receive papers i sent to him then he will go see the doctor in sarajevo and then go to his interview and get over to me in about a month! We can not wait till were reunited together, this has been the hardest part in our lives; but hopefully he will be here by my side very soon! I cant wait for my baby to be next to me!! Hes my soulmate and im very fortunate to have him in my life <3

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  1. APPPROVEDDDD !! OUR K-1 VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED AND MY BABY WILL BE HERE WITH ME MONDAY NIGHT AT 8:04 HIS FLIEGHT SHOULD GET IN! /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />))))))

    1. KimberlyAhmed
    2. Emina&Refik


      well we sent it in sometime in august and got our NOA2 on feb 21st and then today they apporved it ! :) just make sure youre well prepared lots of pictures (we had a engagement party and his aunty made us a cake that said happy engagment) and we had pics like 40-50 pics lots of evidence and all your t's crossed and your i's dotted my hubby said interview took about 10 mins and that we were stressed for no reason it wassnt half as bad we were expecting! soooooo happpy right now...

    3. Emina&Refik


      well we sent it in sometime in august and got our NOA2 on feb 21st and then today they apporved it ! :) just make sure youre well prepared lots of pictures (we had a engagement party and his aunty made us a cake that said happy engagment) and we had pics like 40-50 pics lots of evidence and all your t's crossed and your i's dotted my hubby said interview took about 10 mins and that we were stressed for no reason it wassnt half as bad we were expecting! soooooo happpy right now...

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