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About Calicolom

  • Birthday March 31

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Tampa FL
  • Country

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  1. It starts the minute you walk in and the interviewer makes small talk to you, this is you test of English knowledge.
  2. Does any think Mexico's Doctor will do anything right at this point. Find another embassy approved physician, Pay for a new physical, pay extra money, and only get done what's needed.
  3. When I applied to collect SS Benefits, at retirement age, after being citizen for 60 years, I had to send them my translated foreign, birth certificate.
  4. My neighbor in Colombia where I live part time, just lost $3000.00 she payed, from an colombian attorney. When she complained about not getting a US visa, the lawyer gave her back $1500.00. Good business for not doing anything.
  5. Depends a lot on the State
  6. People get what they deserve, when they vote.
  7. If a form has 10 Pages, you send back 10 Pages. Filled or unfilled.
  8. Citizenship, Ha Ha
  9. I think to many people forget, most paperwork is looked over by local staff. This means by local people hired by the embassy. They know every trick and costume of the local people.
  10. Everyone Has problems, right before moving to the USA.
  11. I was married to women with children, I never wanted to be DADY. I understood raising someone else child, was a thankless job. I was prepared for I AM GOING TO TELL MY DADY. You not my dady.
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