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Status Replies posted by MichéSouf

  1. Congratulations! So happy for you both! What kind of questions did they ask you - were you interviewed together?

    1. MichéSouf


      Hello! Thank you very much! We were not interviewed together, actually, the US citizen(the petitioner) doesnt have any interview, only the foreign person attends an interview. The questions were very simple, sth like: -How did you meet? - When did you meet in person? - How many times did she visit you? - How long did she stay each trip? - What does she do for a living?

      I will post a review in the next couple of days with all the details from the very moment I got there till I lef...

  2. Congratulations on your approval !!!

    1. MichéSouf


      Thank you so much Mounir :)

  3. congrads on your approval :D

    1. MichéSouf


      Thank you very very much! That's so nice of you :)

  4. I am just too ecstatic and sooo happy to tell everyone that my dear husband passed his interview this morning, he got a little red ticket receipt and instructions to go back to pick up his VISA in 5 days (August 13th)! The interview was all very positive!

    1. MichéSouf


      Congratulations guys!!!!!! Very happy for you! !!!!!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Trying to reschedule interview, so stressful :(

    1. MichéSouf


      Hopefully you'll have someone from the embassy to talk to in order to reschedule your interview! I wish you a very good luck!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. OMG..it's exactly 1 week before my hubby's interview...so anxious and excited at the same time!

    1. MichéSouf


      Everything is going to be great inchallah!! I wish a great luck for Ismael! Blair, keep encouraging him!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Got our packet from the consulate on the 5th July through an email, our interview date is the 13th august :)

    1. MichéSouf


      Congratulations !!!! We wish you the best of luck!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Called NVC, they received our case yesterday and I got our case number :) alhamdulillah

    1. MichéSouf


      Thats an AMAZING News !!! A few more steps for the interview.... INchallah everything is gonna be GREAT !!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. JUST GOT OUR NOA2!!!! Wow!

    1. MichéSouf


      WOOOHOOO!!! So happy for you guys !!! Hope the rest will be GREAT inchallah !!!!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. I gonna fight till USCIS believes our love is strong and genuine

  11. Sorry im late updating but We got married!!! still so excited about it.

  12. Sorry im late updating but We got married!!! still so excited about it.

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