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Posts posted by MichéSouf

  1. Hi everyone! Hope you all are doing well.

    My fiancee is going to be visiting me next week, and I'm hoping to get some advice on what visa forms we should focus on filling out together. We would like to avoid delays later from waiting on slow post mail by filling things out while we are together, and would appreciate any advice from anyone else who has done this!


  2. No, I mean you should troll back into the internet cafe where you've been searching for and American woman to get you out of Morocco & look for another one because you are not going to get approved with a 17 year age difference and your family not knowing, and having only spent ten days together. WHY is it you want to marry this 37 year old, but your family does not know about her? That's not really the tradition in Morocco, is it?

    Better yet, if you really want help - you should tell your fiance to sign up for Visa Journey - we'll help her.

    Also, just an FYI - the US consulate in Casa does extensive research into the email/internet usage of petitioners. Hopefully, in your case they do - so even if you go on to meet a visa ticket, I mean American woman, you feel comfortable telling your family about in the future, they will know you've already tried fooling a 37 year old into marrying you. Lots of luck to you!

    This 37 yrs old? A visa ticket? What am I hearing in here?! I DO NOT ALLOW YOU TO TALK ABOUT MY FIANCEE THIS WAY! U try give advices, thank u, but dont offend me please!

  3. I'm 37 and the thought of having to deal with a 20 yr old mate makes me kinda sick. I had a hard enough time with the almost 30 yr old (at the time of marriage; married 6 yrs) husband trying to help him adjust. I can't imagine having to wipe a 20 yr old's #### at my age.

    Well, we didnt ask you about your relationship with a younger ma. Sometimes, a 20yrs is more wise and careful than some stupid 30yrs old. Got it?

  4. It depends on several factors, but the most importnant factor is the culltural norms of the country of your fiancee. I would ask the mods to move this to your country specific forum. All your going to get in this forum is wildy inaccurate information that may not apply to your situation. You age difference is not that great compared to thousands of others that have been approved.

    Thank you a lot for your advice. My fiancee is a USC and im Moroccan; she is the petitioner.

    Hi MicheSouf,

    Glad to see you finally made it here....this is the best place for your questions, as you can see your already getting some good advice and many more here will help you. I sure hope your fiance can come in July before Ramadan. I know attendance at the University in Morocco are tough and you must attend, however, I wish she could still come in July, but September is only 6 months away and that's not to long.

    Yes youre right, just 6 months, but it's hard and difficult to wait for 6 whole long months! it's just so hard.

    So far i got many advices from people here, thank you all!

  5. DO you want children?


    We can't give you a % success rate, it depends on your personal case, the amount of bonafide evidence you have (visits especially), whether your families are happy about your impending marriage etc. It is a large age gap, so expect an uphill battle.

    So far we met in person once, we spent about 10days together and we are planing a second trip for July. As for my family, they don't know about our relationship. Bad?

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