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Status Updates posted by MichéSouf

  1. Hi guys!!! How are you doing?

    1. Tayri n Tudert

      Tayri n Tudert

      Hi, we are doing good. How are you guys?

  2. congratulations! !!

    1. Happytobe
    2. Happytobe


      And congrats to you and yours as well

    3. MichéSouf
  3. thank you!!!! it took only one day to change from AP into ISSUED

  4. Just got our NOA2 (After a RFE!!) Hamdoullah !!!!!

    1. Ismael&Blair


      Congrats to your NOA2 and thanks for the well wishes on our upcoming interview...good luck on the rest of your process :)

  5. Hey guys! How are y'all doing?

  6. Package finally sent on Tuesday Feb 5th. Let's hope for the best.

    1. Peace....


      awwww thats great news, so happy for you both.

    2. Tayri n Tudert

      Tayri n Tudert

      Yay! Congrats! -Margaret

  7. Congratulations! Happy for y'all!!!

  8. WE dont know when we are going to meet next, we are trying to understand the process of the I129 before we apply, thats a really tough path. May Allah help all of us.

  9. I'm spending most of Ramadan in Agadir, as for my fiancée, she is in the US, the routine of work, nothing exciting. But still, we are fortunate we got to spend time together for about 10days before Ramadan started.

  10. We are apart now, using video chat whenever possible, missing each other, thats how it works. I'm so happy for you guys you are getting to spend some good time together. How is Margaret doing with Ramadan and fasting?

  11. Hi again! Yes, we have a lot to do to accomplish the paperwork, hopefully everything will go well for all of us inchallah. My fiancée knows about this forum, we both share the same account. How is it going with you guys there?

  12. Hi! Thanks for the positive thoughts! No, we didnt file yet, we need to work on the paperwork first and see what step we should take first, so we are waiting a little bit before filling. What about you?

  13. Hi man! Im glad you both are enjoying your time together! I wonder what does Margaret think of Ramadan in Morocco. Unfortunatly, we are not lucky enough like you cuz my fiancee and I spent only 10days here, so she went back home two days before Ramdan. Now im in Agadir, will spend a week or so here inchallah, just trying to change air.

  14. Hi dude! what's up? Hamdoullah everything is going well with us. I hope same for you. How is it going with you and Ramadan? I hope you are having a nice time with your fiancée and familly! See ya soon inchallah.

  15. Salam, labas? Thank you so much Margaret. Im happy for u too since your trip to Morocco is soon inchallah. I hope youll have skme great time with Ahmed. Please say hi to him for me. Have a great weekend.

  16. hi dude, sorry for getting back late to you! You are right, we should take benefit of the time we are together with our fiancees to know them better, it's a great opportunity to get to spend some valuable time together! I wish y'all good luck together!

  17. Yes, inchallah we will meet in a couple of weeks. I bet you guys are so excited!

  18. Everything is going well so far hamdoullah! What about you? will you meet anytime soon inchallah?

  19. Hi Ahmed, how are you? is everything going well with you there? I hope everything is smooth with your fiancee! See you soon inchallah!


  20. I'm bikher, hamdoullah so far! I hope everything is going well with your fiancee! See ya soon!

  21. Hi dude, what's up?

  22. Ok homie. Good luck. See you later inchallah. Allah ijib tissir.

  23. From a city I dont like anymore... Its called "Casablanca"

  24. Yeah, sounds weired, what a coinsidence. But we fell in love "officially" until the end of May 2011 What about your ages?

  25. I see your point. I know her since March 2011. And you?

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