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Posts posted by Random876981

  1. @Gosia & Tito we went to a conseulor, I have documents about our appointments, she is so mad because she believe that I talk to much to my family back in my country(non sense stuff, she really turns crazy and start yelling out loud, anyway i feel like a prisoner)

    @Harsh_77 is for 4 months not 3, and I'm not looking for a divorce, and i explained why I want to stay here.

    @bewildering I understand that as soon as you got the divorce decree you are allowed to file, you dont need to wait till 90 days before your card expires.

    I use to believe that the tax files were private, so i dont need her to retrieve the tax that she filed?

  2. A very strange and crude comment. OP wants a GC and/or Citizenship, just like everyone else on this forum does. The difference here is that the OP doesn't know that he can get a GC even after getting a divorce by filing for Waiver. I am sure you wouldn't have liked to be judged, so why judge others.

    @OP - your evidence is fairly good and on par with others, you need to apply for ROC with Waiver (since you are getting divorce), no need for your to look for other avenues. If your divorce ends with good terms with spouse, get a letter from her stating that the marriage was in good faith. Tax transcripts are one of the main evidences that gets reviewed during ROC, and its OK if you didnt work but your spouse should have files it as 'Married' and therefore can be used as an evidence.

    Yeah she told me she will file as Married because she wants a bigger tax return, but how i could get that tax return?

    I dont think she will be able to write that letter for me because she is so mad that she said once that she will sent me back to my country and will not help me.

  3. From your post it just seems you are desperate to get GC and Citizenship, could it be the marriage was for the same purpose and did no work?

    If you were married in July 2012 means you came to US in Sep 2012 and first week of Feb 2013 you are in limbo that your wife would file for divorce, so you looking for other avenues.

    Everything went so fast, because she was living in my country for 2 years, i met her and we date for a year, then she has to come back and so we could stay together we filed for DCF, long story shor I dont have where to return in my country because I sell what i have there so we could buy stuff here, so going back it would be realy difficult.

    But you are right, it seems fishy even to me, that's why i put my marriage date in my post, and I aprreciate that comment so I could elbaorate better my case.

    I really dont care about the citizenship, i just want to keep my greencard. And of course I feel desperate, how you would feel if you dont know if in one year you would not be able to keep your apartment, your car, your stuff.

  4. Hi, I am right now with a CR1 trough marriage, I married in july 2012 and my poe date was in september 2012.

    Right now I'm in a difficult situation and possibly she will start filing for a divorce soon.

    Is there a way to migrate to an H1B visa instead of going trough ROC?

    If i go trough ROC what are my chances? i only have this documents:

    (401k she as beneficiary,

    bank joint account,

    apartment rent on both of our names,

    house insurance both our names,

    gas and electric on her name,

    internet on my name,

    trip to bahams in a cruise for new year pics and receipts,

    lots of pictures from our trips,

    car insurance on my name bc she has her license suspended for DUI,

    2 iphone receipt on my name, but att service for both lines is on her name,

    couple therapy documents,

    2 friends affidavits, one from usa and one from my country,

    even a sex tape <- i dont think this is even legal to show)

    I dont have:

    (tax returns - was not working yet to file,

    credit cards,

    car is only under my name,

    no loans)

    I know that if i join the army ASAP before getting divorce the army would be able to ROC and even get me the citizenship,

    but i have a nice job right now and the army salary is no good.

    How many people apply to ROC after divorce and they are approved, is really hard, or 50/50?

    Any comments please?

  5. Hi, everyone, i run into a few problem while filling this.

    My wife lived with her mom on NJ 3 years ago, but now is living here on Peru since then.

    What should i write on "13. Place of Residence Questions?" if i write her current address on Peru, i could attach her flight tickets(she is leaving after my interview) or her mom could write a letter stating that she will continue to live with her on USA?

    she hasn't filled any taxes for 2010 and 2011, only for 2009, she was not "legally working" here on Peru but she was working as a teacher, she only had a tourist visa, and her monthly payment didn't exceeds the minimun wage required to fill taxes, so i can attach a letter explaining why there is no taxes?

    Her mom will be the joint sponsors, she need to attach their form 1040 and w-2, only those right?

  6. Finally today i started the processing for the CR1 Visa, in the Immigration Services at the embassy. I will describe what i did:

    First i had to get the Movimeinto migratorio of mi wife, she came here to Peru int 2009 and stayed here , i had some problem getting it because she came here to peru when she was a child with a different passport number, so the woman at the Relaciones Exteriores wanted that us make a request to unify the entry records and will take like 2 weeks, and was kind of complicated because she overstayed her visa and she doesnt have a Carnet de Extranjeria, so i have to ask only the Moviemintos Migratorio only for his last passport. They didnt give it to me the same day, they said that they will give it to me the same day, but after waiting for 3 hours they told me to comeback tomorrow(i wass mad). I went the next day and everything was a cnfusion (the guy gave me a movimeinto migratorio from other person and other person get from other person - total mess), finally i went out with the Movimiento Migratorio(Check the it have the relieve stamp on it...)(it was 24 soles btw)

    Second, i had to get the marriage certificate, i got married on lima, i had to go to pic up the "acta de matrimonio" from the municipalidad i got married, and take it to Reniec (Indepencia was the closer one) but i didnt knew that i have to go with my wife so i went with her to other Reniec (san luis - close to our work) and they didnt make it the same day, they want us to wait for 10 business days(i was mad again), so i had to wait till some day that we both have time to go to reniec at Independencia, they gave us the same moment for free the "Acta de matrimonio" from Reniec(is not called certificado de matriminio. But this paper is not printed on the paper that says reniec neither hav ea stamp that says certified, so i have to wait 48 hours until the papers was available at the machine(kind of like a ATM), so i came back after 2 days, pay 15 soles and get the paper.

    Third, Filling the I-130 form, the girl at the embassy gave us the 3 forms(One i-130 Two g-325a) but we messed up filling them so i downloaded them from the USCIS and filled them on the PC, it was kinda a mess because the date didnt fill on the form space so we have to write the final dates(next to where you sign at the bottom) It was kind of hard answer some question like parents birthdays and some other question but at the end reseraching at the web we fill both. i Hope They Were Ok.

    Fourth, Bonafide Marriage Evidence, we collect something about like 20 Photos from our trips, we actually travel allot so it was not problem, also we had some plane tickets from when we went to cuzco whit her family.(This is kinda hard, who kepts plain tickets and factures, i throw everything away so this was hard).

    Fith, Translate the Marriage Certificate and Movimientos migratorios, i followed some advices here on the forum that my wife could translate herself those documents because she is a spanish theacher, she just put that statement from USCIS that she is fluent and her sign. Actually translate those docuemnts was kind of hard because there are some tricky words like (Nombres -> first name + middle name?), and the movimientos migratorios was even harder(but i dont know if that needed a translation), anyway we figure it out and we translate it succesfully, we forgot the translate the stamp in the back of the document but we already was there so, i hiope everithing go fine.

    Sixth, go to the embassy, we got there like 9:30am , there was like 10 people in line(for USCIS) and 20 for the visa section, we wait at the Citizens Door, i thought that they would not let me go in as some time before, but the doorman ask for my dni and he let us both go inside. Inside i got the 39 number(there was on 20 i guess) so we went to take the photos with the white hair guy and black mustache, he asked if she was my sister, and she says that she was my wife, then he says ohh why so young and marry? i kind look young but that worry us a little, because i wonder if the immigrant section will wonder the same.(im 24 and she is 22), anyway take the photos took us forever finally we went to the window just on time.

    We went to this girl behind the bulletproof window and she asked us what we want... we told her that we were there to deliver the papers and she says ok, i took off the envelope and she said give it all to me, and i was ok.... there was my birth certificate just in case, she threw it at me saying i dont need this... (yeah sometimes these woman are really annoying), she says "you need a tranlation for this documents..." well if you asked me for the envelope then look for them!!! (i didnt say that...haha but i really wanted to) then she say "and the proove for she living here on peru?", where is the letter from her employer, she has to comeback and bring that and blah blah blah(i was mad) my wife was a little bit scared because she is illegal here so i told her that to the woman that she is illegal and when we came here to ask the other older woman told us that with "migratorio movements" was enough, and she was oh ok... Later this woman start complaining about the bonafide marriage documents, she says "you cannot come here only with photos you have to bring me more stuff like electrical billings, shared bank account blah blah blah" and again my wife was scared, haha it makes me mad because they sart yelling at you, so i told her well we dont have anything that you are asking for... she is ilegal here... after all this she says ok...

    She wrote my name on a paper and said go to pay 420$ to the window 14 at the consulate and come here withouth making line, so i went there and pay with a credit card and went back to the window, and she says this will be processed on 5 days, afer that we sent it to the consulate and in 2 weeks they will ccontact you for the next steps... Asked us for a phone number, i asked her what happens if is not approved, she reply with these is almost all times approved unless is a marriage fraud, these papers will be checked by my boss... and that's all.

    So i hope everything go fine because i dont know if the translation will be a problem or if the 20 photos of us is not enough... i really hope they aaprove this so we can move on the next steps.

    I will upload the documents samples that we sent for any future reference when the embassy told me that everything was fine, in case that anybody ever need it.

  7. Well, her mom in USA is watching that process with his lawyer and looks like she will have to pay something and go to a court everymonth for drug testing.

    Im not so sure about the airport, but is like a red light when she give her passport thats indicate that she should not leave the country.

    I checked with those background check and criminal records online, but it displayed "clear".(imnot so sure how accurate are those services)

    Then what do you think guys, is not a good idea to apply for a K-1 visa or marriage visa? is better that i get a trouist visa and get married there?

  8. Hi, she(USA citizen) went out from USA to my country while she have some arrest warrant(at the airport they told her that she cant leave the country, but the guy left her go(he was nice i suppose)).

    She is here now but she will go back to USA this year. Is possible that i could apply for a K1 visa with her having those problems back in USA?

    BTW, i have no legal problems on my country and is a real relationship.

    She wants to get married and her family can go to the wedding.

    The arrest warrant was for some drug possesion and driving drugged.

    Or is better that i should get a tourist visa and get married there?

    Any advice please.

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