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Ge and Mayyong

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We was introduced by my mother from her last trip to Laos. We began talking in August of 2012, she sounded mature and loving. Decided to take a trip to Laos and meet her on Oct 3, 2012. I met my grand uncle and older cousin at Wattay Airport. 25 Hour flight is no joke guys, anyways we made our way from Vientiane to Vang Vieng (the district she lives in). We arrived at the bus station in Vang Vieng and paid for another short ride down the road to Phou Ding Deng Village. I had another uncle that lives next to her in this town so we stayed there for a day, I was sore from the bus rides and plane ride. The next day I was introduced to her, man she was beautiful, we were in love. After about almost a month I proposed to her and asked her parents permission. We got the okay and had a small cultural engagement party. Time was short but I wanted to spend more time with her so I extended my Visa which as 2 dollars per day, so I extended my Visa. My uncles in Paksa heard of my arrival and the good news, they called and "told" me to go down there see them since they never seen me in person before. We took a 6 hour bus ride to Paksa and had another small party for my side of the family, which was nice but uneccessary. We traveled from there back to Vang Vieng. I decided to get her paperwork from her end started for her Laos ID and passport which was a nuissance because they all want bribes. Luckly I didn't spend as much as we let it them took their time, everything costs not even 60 USD for. Spendy was the letter of Engagement which needed to be signed and notarized by their Village leader, Nai Ban, he says for Lao nationals its 50,000 KIP which is about 5-6 USD, but for US Citizens to a Lao National it was 50 Dollars. I had no problem with it though just wanted to get it done.

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