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Posts posted by P+J

  1. Today so far:

    January 18:

    1 x denial

    January 19:

    1 x denial :(

    Yes. A bad start for the day. I don't think I ever want to hear any news in the morning now! it doesn't seem to be good. The only activity around my petition was a withdrawl. I've noticed that there's action on about 1 petition in my group each day. It's been happening like that for a couple of days now. I don't think I want them to look at it in the morning anytime soon. But if they want to approve me tonight that's cool. ha..And my Congressman heard back. Email from VSC...And it is the exact same email Sabi's Senator received....It was very funny because they called me and then told me they forwarded me the email (while quoting a few things off it seemed very familiar...and it was word for word the same...Just substitute Senator for Congressman.. It does seem like a pretty big focus on petitions from 18, 19, and 20 now at least...Hope we're all close to some good news.

  2. That's so great! I'm a little jealous, we won't get our interview date until the medical is done, so probably another two weeks ;) You're right, though, it does move really fast after the NOA2! I'm thinking of all of you waiting and I hope this week is the week. I can't believe they can keep saying 30 more days, 60 more days. They must be getting a lot of expedite requests.

    Yes. they act as if 2 months is nothing...haha. well it is something after you've already waited over 6 months :lol:...But hopefully none of us will need to be using such a request..There's very few of us still waiting now....Going through the timelines most have received some sort of action..and many that are not updated in any way are inactive profiles..

  3. Stop thinkin bout the # of days, it wont do you much good. i had to stop focusing completely when it hit the 180s. it cant be much longer......we definitely seeing things moving up, we have been coming a far way. remember the days....weeks when we would do anything just to see one approval????? now they flooding in :thumbs:

    yes you're right we went weeks with almost no activity. it has to be close :thumbs:

  4. ok so we got a letter from our senator and the letter that the senator got from the USCIS:

    "Senator Bingaman,

    The petition was received on January 20, 2012 and is pending review at the VSC. VSC's processing time for this form type , posted on www.uscis.gov website, is approximately 5 months from the received date.

    According to the website, the petition is considered out of normal processing time (ONPT), however due to workload priorities, VSC is unable to expedite the processing of the Petition for Alien Fiance (Form I-129F) that is ONPT, at this time, in order for VSC to consider expediting the processing of a form I-129F evidence of an extreme emergent need would have to be provided.

    You may want to contact us again, for a status update, in approximately 30-60 days.

    Thank you "

    Senator was kind to inform us that he will however keep an eye on our case and let us know as soon as he knows more... well nothing left but to patiently wait... we have tried everything, we are left on our own!

    The good news is that my flatmate decided to stay with me till end of October so hopefully I have my visa till then... I won't complain, finally good news :)

    Yes. you've done everything you can Sabi...It's just a matter of waiting for all of us now....Something was or still is occupying their time at VSC. Let's just pray this rate of adjudications continues so we can get out of VSC soon...and ha. love how they made sure to throw that 30-60 days in there...as if you would really wait 60 days to consider looking into things again...should be over long before that 30s for all of us I hope.

  5. yes and my grandmother was Ukrainian so I also have Ukrainian blood in me :) kind of a mixture of that and some others :)

    Well looks like those RFEs were all we got today, I will check the numbers in the morning again... hopefully tomorrow or Friday this nightmare is over... I really need some peace of mind! don't we all?! :)

    good night :)

    another 1/18 approved today...Close to mine...But still not me :bonk:...at least there's some activity around my petition. and it was an approval :thumbs: So about half the petitions in my group have had some action taken on them. Half are untouched. And it seems about half of all the petitions received in January are approved. Guess it's all really a numbers game.

  6. I know what you mean.. I am so happy to have sth to count down to...4 more weeks and Terry comes to visit me and we are going to my hometown (Krakow) so I am super excited about showing him around! I am hoping we will be approved by then though ! oh well, you never know with USCIS... have you seen that guy from December?? and someone waiting 17 months? grrrrr I have to stop reading those stories....

    ahh. awesome. yes. it's always great to have something to look forward to and help with passing the time. Very cool. I didn't realize you were originally from Poland. Not far from Ukraine at all. Just around the corner ha. Those extreme cases are scary. Definitely can keep you up at night thinking about them. I guess even though they are still stuck on 1/16, it's better than them being far beyond that date...and us still sitting here with no answers :unsure:..But hopefully it's not much longer...I hope we can safely say now that August is our month :thumbs:

  7. tell me about it! the same with emails... I have 4 different accounts on my iPhone and I keep getting all those spams and other emails I subscribed for and every sound makes my heart jump...

    Yes. haha. I need another vacation to get my mind of this NOA2...I honestly didn't think about it for 2 weeks when I was in Dominican. It was a great feeling...now it's the bane of my existence...Seems like today was a RFE kind of day...Better luck tomorrow I guess. :thumbs:. I would be surprised if I heard anything tonight. I think it's safe to say beyond the sticky threads we are one of the biggest if not the Biggest thread to ever grace these forums. ha.

  8. I agree with you both. When I got to make that request for being ONPT, I had very little hope of it actually doing anything (and obviously it hasn't). I think it was all just mental for me that I felt like I was able to do something, anything. I think Paul is right and that it may have helped in a few cases, but not the masses.

    My attorney's office said that they got up the chain of command when they called and were told that Monday (August 6th) it is expected that the current processing date will be updated. so hopefully, finally, on this day either the rest of us have already been approved..or...we have the ability to actually expedite our cases. We'll see what happens...Advancing the processing date about a week would help a lot of us still waiting. It's that void in the middle of the month that continues to struggle. I am going to save my Senator until this occurs because I don't think it would be worth it to cash those chips in yet...I'd rather that date be changed before I try anything else now...And it would be nice to hear what the Congressman's office receives in response. Still not sure why it would take so long for them to hear something.

  9. can I be honest with you? I don't think any of them managed to expedite any of those cases... they were simply already with the adjudicator and they were approved within the next few days... if expediting was possible they would all be approved within the same time frame after senator contacted USCIS... then when USCIS tells the senator that the case is approved, he sends a letter that it's approved and he is closing the case... I really believe that now. I doubt they have any power at all, they just want to look helpful since it's the election time soon ;)

    Sabi. You're 100% correct. I think even if the Senator or Congressman thinks they expedited it...It might not have actually happened. I think it was just convenient timing and maybe in a few cases it got some of the petitions looked at..But in terms of a formal expedite..It couldn't have been possible (not for ONPT at least) That 1/16 date is a barrier to achieving something like that....oh well 7 months is the new 6 months...not cool at all. But there's nothing we can do now...just hope things at least continue at a reasonable rate for adjudications....

  10. I understand in my mind that at least it has been looked at, but I still don't want one haha At this point for me, it would be a much longer delay. Plus, since there is nobody active on VJ (that I know of) that is going through the Embassy in Kuwait, I'm kind of on my own and don't know what to expect or have any information on what to do in the later stages after NOA2. I have to rely on embassy reviews from a few years ago.

    I hope your journey goes smoothly after you respond to the RFE :)

    Yes. I'd rather wait longer than receive an RFE. It would mean that I wasted 2,000$ on an attorney to arrive in exactly the same place as if I had made an error :( .. In terms of activity. It's been very strange in my group of 14 petitions...

    8 are still untouched. 6 have received some action: 1 approval July 3rd, 3 approvals June 29th (god I wish I was them) 1 RFE response July 23rd (from July 2nd RFE) and 1 new RFE this week for July 30th (the 14th petition in the group)...

    It's all over the place in terms of activity....so far today. nothing at all.

  11. updates from our senator, which Terry spoke to in person:

    USCIS won't expedite ( of course they are not) as they don't recognize that we are over the processing time... fine what is it 7 months processing time now? haha

    Senator said he sent us more detailed letter but the Director at Vermont promised to keep his eye on our case! what?? hahahahahahahahahaha wait cause I might believe that! :P

    Wow. that's shocking Sabi...And I just can't figure out how some representatives succeeded in receiving an expedite for some users here on VJ. I just don't understand this inconsistency at all...My Congressman still has not received any response back from them and it's been a week since they contacted. It's all so frustrating. It's probably that 1/16 date in the system that's blocking (arbitrarily blocking) some people from acquiring an expedite...well the torture continues I suppose..Yeah I know right? 6 months was the new 5 months...Now 7 months is the new 6 months..When's it going to end?

  12. Cheers ! Hopefully it will be a fruitful day :)

    Yes. We need them to keep it up with these approvals. Hope I'll hear something tonight...Miguel.Angel. I hope you're intuition is right. I don't want to go past tonight ahh. Just don't want to be over 200 days...Looks like the recent approvals are catching up with the average processing time on VJ now...up to 173...

  13. i just TOLD HER!!!

    she is ecstatic!!!!!!!!!!

    she just asked what is next.. i told her i don't know..!!! cuz i didn't want to plan before we got notice.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::thumbs: :thumbs:

    Congrats!! I'm sure it feels like such a relief... I really hope I hear something soon. :help:..Starting to get a little worried. Are there any other January filers with a 1/18 received date (or earlier) that have active profiles and haven't heard anything yet?? :(

  14. January 18:

    1 x approval

    1 x RFE

    January 19:

    4 x approval

    January 20:

    2 x approvals (not mine though :( )

    I know how you feel Sabi....i'll be glad when this roulette ends..I feel like I'm in the lost group of 1/18s. The level of activity around my petition this past month has been abysmal...

    The day isnt over yet. dont loose hope people. Its coming soon. :thumbs:

    Hope so man...this is getting so hard on me and my fiance..it feels so close yet it also feels like it's stuck and will continue to be dangled out of reach...

  15. I know we are still somewhat far away from filing either a service request or contacting our congressman, but given how slow things move in VSC, I have a sad feeling that by the end of September (when our 5 months is due) we will need to do this.

    So, from all the forums I've read I realized there is a particular sequence here: first you file a service request and then if that doesn't help contact your congressman, or what? I guess you can't do both at a time. But what if I want to see what's my case status, and only if they tell my congressman that they haven't looked at it yet, submit a service request? I mean again, what is the most effective way of dealing with this???

    Unfortunately nothing can be done until 6 months have passed..and even that seems to move at a snail's pace..I've waited 195 days and another user petitioner from December has waited almost 216 days...Some petitions basically get screwed over...so be prepared for the 6 months minimum and then you can be happily surprised when it comes through earlier...I'm just hoping that I get some news this week..It's very frustrating...I contacted my Congressman about a week ago..and even they're still waiting for a response.. :(

  16. Oh, yes. Jun 29 was the time I called and was connected to the tier 2 who refused to divulge any information. All I got was "even if it doesn't say assigned means nothing. It can pass through many hands and when it waits after passing hands it can show as not being assigned to anyone." I did specifically ask "can you tell me if there is anything holding it up? Can you tell me if it's under AP status?" and I got only "I can't tell you that". But on Jun 22 I contacted the congressman. I got asked for the privacy release on Jul 6. I sent him it July 12. July 20 is when I got a reply saying he called and it is currently with an officer and to wait 30 days. Also he said he will inquire again in 15 days. One thing to notice is that the first service request 60 days is up on Aug 1.

    wow. yes. it's been a long wait. I've been sort of left behind too now in my group of petitions. Hopefully the Congressional influence will help you get out of VSC with an approval soon. Looks like a few petitions always seem to fall through the cracks....good luck!

  17. Yeah sorry mate you are 2 days ahead of me. My received date at VSC is the 20th. I agree, I hope they don't forget about us this week, but I don't want an RFE either. :unsure:

    Ah got it..Yes. Looks like I'm the longest in the group now...yikes..and yes please no RFE. I don't want to feel like I threw away all this money on the attorney. Because that will have been worthless to get something like that :(..Hopefully some good news tonight or at least by the end of the week...Please no 200s...

  18. Me too Paul. I will be soo happy when I see you and Sabi get your approvals... I will cry too! It will feel like a weight has been lifted. Right now we are sitting at 187 days and will likely be waiting a few more weeks for them to respond to our RFE. :(

    Yes. Sabi, Vos, and I are really getting up there in days. I think Vos and I are the only 2 January filers that haven't heard anything with a received date of 1/18 or earlier...Hope they'll not forget about us this week. I don't want to know what 200 feels like. 190s (195 precisely) was quite enough... :whistle:

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